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Events by track


  Title Track Speakers
15 Jahre deutsche Telematikinfrastruktur (TI)
Seit spätestens 2005 wird in Deutschland an der Einführung der Telematik...
A Deep Dive Into Unconstrained Code Execution on Siemens S7 PLCs
A deep dive investigation into Siemens S7 PLCs bootloader and ADONIS...
All wireless communication stacks are equally broken
Wireless connectivity is an integral part of almost any modern device. These...
A systematic evaluation of OpenBSD's mitigations
OpenBSD markets itself as a secure operating system, but doesn't provide much...
The Achilles heel of [your secure device] is the secure boot chain. In this...
Breaking Microsoft Edge Extensions Security Policies
Browsers are the ones who handle our sensitive information. We entirely rely...
Cryptography demystified
This talk will explain the basic building blocks of cryptography in a manner...
Das nützlich-unbedenklich Spektrum
Eine Software ist unbedenklich, wenn man sie auf ungefilterte Daten aus einem...
Don't Ruck Us Too Hard - Owning Ruckus AP Devices
Ruckus Networks is a company selling wired and wireless networking equipment...
Email Authentication for Penetration Testers
Forget look-alike domains, typosquatting and homograph attacks. In this talk...
"Hacker hin oder her": Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt!
Herzstück der digitalen Gesundheitsversorgung für 73 Millionen Versicherte...
Hacking Sony PlayStation Blu-ray Drives
Xbox 360 video game console had a number of widely known hacks for firmware...
Hacking (with) a TPM
Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) are nowadays included in all consumer-grade...
Harry Potter and the Not-So-Smart Proxy War
In this talk we will take a look at the 'Vault 7' Protego documents, which...
High-assurance crypto software
Software bugs and timing leaks have destroyed the security of every...
Hirne Hacken
Die überwältigende Mehrheit der erfolgreichen Hacks in freier Wildbahn setzen...
How to Break PDFs
PDF is the most widely used standard for office documents. Supported by many...
I am system: breaking the security boundary in windows OS.
Nowadays, Windows is still the most popular OS used in the world. It's very...
Identifying Multi-Binary Vulnerabilities in Embedded Firmware at Scale
Low-power, single-purpose embedded devices (e.g., routers and IoT devices)...
Intel Management Engine deep dive
Reverse engineering a system on a chip from sparse documentation and...
It's not safe on the streets... especially for your 3DS!
The 3DS is reaching end of life but has not revealed all its weaknesses yet....
KTRW: The journey to build a debuggable iPhone
Development-fused iPhones with hardware debugging features like JTAG are out...
Leaving legacy behind
Is the way we run services these days sustainable? The trusted computing base...
Messenger Hacking: Remotely Compromising an iPhone through iMessage
So called “0-click” exploits, in which no user interaction is required to...
No source, no problem! High speed binary fuzzing
Modern grey-box fuzzers are the most effective way of finding bugs in complex...
On the insecure nature of turbine control systems in power generation
A deep dive into power generation process, industrial solutions and their...
Plundervolt: Flipping Bits from Software without Rowhammer
We present the next step after Rowhammer, a new software-based fault attack...
(Post-Quantum) Isogeny Cryptography
There are countless post-quantum buzzwords to list: lattices, codes,...
Practical Cache Attacks from the Network and Bad Cat Puns
Our research shows that network-based cache side-channel attacks are a...
Provable Insecurity
Cryptographic hash functions are everywhere, yet modeling the characteristics...
SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite;
SQLite is one of the most deployed software in the world. However, from a...
SigOver + alpha
As Long-Term Evolution (LTE) communication is based on over-the-air...
Tales of old: untethering iOS 11
This talk is about running unsigned code at boot on iOS 11. I will...
TamaGo - bare metal Go framework for ARM SoCs.
TamaGo is an Open Source operating environment framework which aims to allow...
The Great Escape of ESXi
VMware ESXi is an enterprise-class, bare-metal hypervisor developed by VMware...
The Inside Story: There are Apps in Apps and Here is How to Break Them
With the rapid development of mobile internet, apps become more and more...
The One Weird Trick SecureROM Hates
Checkm8 is an unfixable vulnerability present in hundreds of millions of...
The sustainability of safety, security and privacy
What sort of tools and methodologies should you use to write software for a...
Uncover, Understand, Own - Regaining Control Over Your AMD CPU
The AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP) is a dedicated ARM CPU inside your...
Vehicle immobilization revisited
Modern road vehicles are fitted with an electronic immobilization system,...
What's left for private messaging?
It is easier to chat online securely today than it ever has been. Widespread...
ZombieLoad Attack
The ZombieLoad attack exploits a vulnerability of most Intel CPUs, which...


  Title Track Speakers
36C3 Infrastructure Review
36C3 is run by teams of volunteers. In this event, they will provide some...
Closing Ceremony (de)
Der dezentrale Jahresrückblick des CCC
Jahresrückblick der Haecksen
In diesem Vortrag nehmen wir euch mit auf eine Reise durch das Haecksenjahr...
Lightning Talks Day 2
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may...
Lightning Talks Day 3
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may...
Lightning Talks Day 4
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may...
Opening Ceremony
Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn
Die Intensität des Kampfes um die Freiheit im digitalen Raum lässt auch in...
The Case for Scale in Cyber Security
The impact of scale in our field has been enormous and it has transformed the...
Welcome Pattern - Theorie und Praxis
In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die von der tuwat Gruppe Bildung erarbeiteten...

Ethics, Society & Politics

  Title Track Speakers
5G & Net Neutrality
Three and a half years after Europe enshrined net neutrality in law, the...
Ethics, Society & Politics
BahnMining - Pünktlichkeit ist eine Zier
Seit Anfang 2019 hat David <i>jeden</i> einzelnen Halt <i>jeder</i> einzelnen...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Confessions of a future terrorist
We will examine the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Content take-downs: Who cleans the internet?
The quest towards a “cleaner” internet continues – with “censorship machines”...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Das Mauern muss weg
Mit immer neuen Gesetzen gewinnt die Exekutive in Deutschland an Macht und...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Der netzpolitische Jahresrückblick
IT-Sicherheitsgesetz 2.0, Staatstrojaner für den Verfassungsschutz,...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Die Affäre Hannibal
Sie sollen den Staat schützen, sind aber selbst eine Gefahr: Soldaten und...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Die Zukunft grenzüberschreitenden Datenzugriffs und politischer Verfolgung
In Brüssel wird über eine Verordnung verhandelt, die es allen EU-Staaten...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Digitalisierte Migrationskontrolle
Die sogenannten digitalen Assistenzsysteme des BAMF, „intelligente Grenzen“...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion (XR) ist eine global agierende, schnell wachsende,...
Ethics, Society & Politics
FinFisher, See You in Court!
Die GFF hat gemeinsam mit Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG), dem European Center...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Fridays for Future (de)
Der Diskurs hat sich von Klimaschutz als Aufgabe von Individuen hinzu einer...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Geheimdienstliche Massenüberwachung vs. Menschenrechte
Der Europäische Menschenrechtsgerichtshof beschäftigt sich nun schon seit...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Gerechtigkeit 4.0
In den gegenwärtigen Debatten um die Digitalisierung werden systemische und...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Hackerparagraph § 202c StGB // Reality Check
Der Hackerparagraph § 202c StGB ist seit August 2007 in Kraft. Das...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Hacking the Media: Geflüchtete schmuggeln, Nazis torten, Pässe fälschen
Ein lustiger Rückblick über die Aktionen des Peng Kollektivs.
Ethics, Society & Politics
How (not) to build autonomous robots
Over the past 2 years we've been building delivery robots - at first thought...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Human Rights at a Global Crossroads
An update on the circumstances of Mr Snowden and the Snowden Refugees will be...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Inside the Fake Like Factories
This talk investigates the business of fake likes and fake accounts: In a...
Ethics, Society & Politics
It’s alive! – Nach den Protesten gegen die Polizeigesetze ist vor den Protesten gegen die autoritäre Wende
Das Jahr 2018 stand ganz im Zeichen der bundesweiten Proteste gegen die...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Katastrophe und Kommunikation am Beispiel Nord-Ost-Syrien
Katastrophen, Krisen & Kriege lassen sich heute live mitverfolgen. Wir...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Let’s play Infokrieg
Manche Spiele will man gewinnen, andere will man einfach nur spielen. Bei...
Ethics, Society & Politics
No Body's Business But Mine, a dive into Menstruation Apps
In September 2019, Privacy International released exclusive research on the...
Ethics, Society & Politics
#NoPNR – Let’s kill the next Data Retention Law
The talk will address how passenger name records (PNR) of flight passengers...
Ethics, Society & Politics
No roborders, no nation, or: smile for a European surveillance propagation
Robots, Satellites and biometrical traps - more than a Billion Euro will be...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Polizei-Datenbanken und Minderheiten: Staatliche Stigmatisierung und Diskriminierung von Sinti und Roma
Für Sinti*zze und Roma*nja gehören Anfeindungen zum Alltag. Auch bei...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Reflections on the New Reverse Engineering Law
Individuals conducting reverse engineering for research purposes face several...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Technical aspects of the surveillance in and around the Ecuadorian embassy in London
The talk explains and illustrates the procedural and technical details of the...
Ethics, Society & Politics
The Case Against WikiLeaks: a direct threat to our community
The unprecedented charges against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks constitute the...
Ethics, Society & Politics
The ecosystem is moving
Considerations for distributed and decentralized technologies from the...
Ethics, Society & Politics
The Eye on the Nile
What happens when we come across a surveillance operation targeting Egypt’s...
Ethics, Society & Politics
The KGB Hack: 30 Years Later
This spring marked the 30th anniversary of the public uncovering of the...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Unpacking the compromises of Aadhaar, and other digital identities inspired by it
Aadhaar is India's national biometric identity database, with over one...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Vom Ich zum Wir
Ein von Zeit Online entwickeltes Tool macht es möglich, die Plenarprotokolle...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Von Menschen radikalisiert: Über Rassismus im Internet
Seit Jahren wird über den Einfluss des Internets auf die Gesellschaft...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Was hat die PSD2 je für uns getan?
Seit dem 14. November ist die letzte Schonfrist zur Umsetzung der...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Was tun bevor es brennt - wie gründe ich eigentlich einen Betriebsrat?
Aktiv werden zur rechten Zeit - Stand up for Your Right! Betriebsrat -...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Wir müssen jetzt entscheiden, in welcher digitalen Welt wir leben wollen.
Ethics, Society & Politics
What the World can learn from Hongkong
The people of Hong Kong have been using unique tactics, novel uses of...
Ethics, Society & Politics

Art & Culture

  Title Track Speakers
Algorithm | Diversion
Before media art has emerged, traditional art and dance are already applying...
Art & Culture
Art against Facebook
There is graffiti in the ruins of the feed and the event-info-capital is...
Art & Culture
Die Mittelmeer-Monologe
Von Menschen, die den riskanten Weg übers Mittelmeer auf sich nehmen, in der...
Art & Culture
From Managerial Feudalism to the Revolt of the Caring Classes
One apparent paradox of the digitisation of work is that while productivity...
Art & Culture
Hackers & makers changing music technology
I will explore the ways in which music is influenced by making and hacking,...
Art & Culture
Hacking and hackers can be hard to visualize. In the popular imagination, the...
Art & Culture
Listening Back Browser Add-On Tranlates Cookies Into Sound
‘Listening Back’ is an add-on for the Chrome and Firefox browsers that...
Art & Culture
Mensch - Kunst – Maschine
Kann künstliche Intelligenz Kunst erzeugen? Können Menschen von künstlich...
Art & Culture
Festivals and events are organized by a small group of deciders. But what...
Art & Culture
Speaking Fiction To Power
Louise Ashcroft will talk through strategies and tactics she uses to ‘hack’...
Art & Culture
The Internet of rubbish things and bodies
Once you start looking at electronic trash you see it everywhere: in laptops...
Art & Culture
Wohnungsbot: An Automation-Drama in Three Acts
At the center of Clemens Schöll's latest art project is the "Wohnungsbot"...
Art & Culture


  Title Track Speakers
An ultrashort history of ultrafast imaging
Did you ever wonder what happens in the time period it takes light to cross...
Aus dem Schimpfwörterbuch der neuen Rechten
Der Vortrag gibt auf der Basis umfangreicher korpuslinguistischer Analysen...
Boeing 737MAX: Automated Crashes
Everybody knows about the Boeing 737 MAX crashes and the type's continued...
Climate Modelling
When climate activists say you should listen to the science they...
Der Pfad von 4G zu 5G
Mit 4G wurde gegenüber früheren Mobilfunktechnologien das Air-Interface...
Energiespeicher von heute für die Energie von morgen
Wir verlassen uns in unserem Alltag permanent auf die Verfügbarkeit von...
Grow your own planet
This year the Nobel prize in physics was awarded to three astronomers...
Kritikalität von Rohstoffen - wann platzt die Bombe?
Einführung in das Forschungsfeld der Kritikalitätsanalysen. Anhand der...
Mathematical diseases in climate models and how to cure them
Making climate predictions is extremely difficult because climate models...
Megatons to Megawatts
Can nuclear warheads be used as energy sources instead of exhausting...
Nutzung öffentlicher Klimadaten
'In meiner Jugend war mehr Schnee!' oder 'Früher war es auch schon heiß!'...
Protecting the Wild
Conservation genomic approaches are crucial for establishing long-term...
Psychedelic Medicine - Hacking Psychiatry?!
Psychedelic research constitutes a challenge to the current paradigm of ...
Quantum Computing: Are we there yet?
Five years ago I spoke about my work in quantum computing, building and...
Science for future?
This talk is to show the current state of the discussion on climate change...
The Large Hadron Collider Infrastructure Talk
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the biggest particle accelerator on Earth....
The search for anonymous data
Data is core to the digital economy. Scandals such as Cambridge Analytica,...
Thrust is not an Option: How to get to Mars really slow
<p>In this talk we will see how chaos can be used to find very peculiar...
Wandel im Braunkohlerevier: Lithium-Ionen-Batterierecycling
Weltweit verlaufen die Entwicklungstrends des Markthochlaufs der...

Hardware & Making

  Title Track Speakers
Aufbau eines Sensornetzes für die Messung von Stickstoffdioxid
Ausgehend von den behördlichen Messnetz für Stickoxide soll der Aufbau einer...
Hardware & Making
Build you own Quantum Computer @ Home - 99% of discount - Hacker Style !
Quantum technologies are often only over-hyped showed as threat for...
Hardware & Making
HAL - The Open-Source Hardware Analyzer
Since the Snowden revelations the fear of stealthy hardware manipulations is...
Hardware & Making
How to Design Highly Reliable Digital Electronics
There's a variety of places - on Earth and beyond - that pose challenging...
Hardware & Making
LibreSilicon's Standard Cell Library (de)
(en) We make Standard Cells for LibreSilicon available, which are open source...
Hardware & Making
Linux on Open Source Hardware with Open Source chip design
Want to run Linux on open hardware? This talk will explore Open Source...
Hardware & Making
#mifail oder: Mit Gigaset wäre das nicht passiert!
Seit 2018 betreibt Eventphone ein neues Telefonsystem auf den chaosnahen...
Hardware & Making
Open Source is Insufficient to Solve Trust Problems in Hardware
While open source is necessary for trustable hardware, it is far from...
Hardware & Making
phyphox: Using smartphone sensors for physics experiments
Modern smartphones offer a whole range of sensors like magnetometers,...
Hardware & Making
SIM card technology from A-Z
Billions of subscribers use SIM cards in their phones. Yet, outside a...
Hardware & Making
The Ultimate Acorn Archimedes talk
This talk will cover everything about the Acorn Archimedes, a British...
Hardware & Making
TrustZone-M(eh): Breaking ARMv8-M's security
Most modern embedded devices have something to protect: Whether it's...
Hardware & Making
Understanding millions of gates
Reverse Engineering of integrated circuits is often seen as something only...
Hardware & Making
Warum 3D-gedruckte Kleidung NICHT die Zukunft ist
3D-gedruckte Kleidungsstücke finden sich mittlerweile auf immer mehr...
Hardware & Making
Warum die Card10 kein Medizinprodukt ist
Es soll grundlegend erklärt werden, nach welchen Kriterien Medizinprodukte...
Hardware & Making
This talk is about modifying cheap wifi dongles to realize true...
Hardware & Making


  Title Track Speakers
Chaos Communication Slam
Chaos meets Poetry Slam. Der humoristische Dichterwettstreit mit...
Das Bits&Bäume-Sporangium
So wie Farnpflanzen ihre Sporen aus der Kapsel mit bis zu 10m/s heraus in die...
Hacker Jeopardy
The Hacker Jeopardy is a quiz show.
Let's build funny robots and let them fight each other as long as we are...
Open Code Verlesung
Kommet zusammen Ihr Jüngerinnen der Bits und Bytes und hörtet die frohe Kunde...
Security Nightmares 0x14
Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Was werden die...

Resilience & Sustainability

  Title Track Speakers
Connected Mobility hacken:
Was haben E-Bikes mit Connected Mobility zu tun? Und ist so was wie LineageOS...
Resilience & Sustainability
Creating Resilient and Sustainable Mobile Phones
Civil society depends on the continuing ability of citizens to communicate...
Resilience & Sustainability
Degrowth is coming - be ready to repair
Der Diskurs um die "Digitalisierung" kann vor allem eines: Verheißen. Roboter...
Resilience & Sustainability
Der Deep Learning Hype
Deep Learning ist von einem Dead End zur ultimativen Lösung aller Machine...
Resilience & Sustainability
Electronic gadgets come not just with an ecological footprint, but also a...
Resilience & Sustainability
Framing digital industry into planetary limits and transition policies
A lecture on the environmental impacts of digital industry today and how to...
Resilience & Sustainability
Getting software right with properties, generated tests, and proofs
How do we write software that works - or rather, how do we ensure it's...
Resilience & Sustainability
HUMUS sapiens
<p>HUMUS sapiens represents a compilation of soil explorations emerging from...
Resilience & Sustainability
Infrastructures in a horizontal farmers community
We will analyze the approach to tecnology (decisional method, mesh network...
Resilience & Sustainability
NGI Zero: A treasure trove of IT innovation
<p>The <a href="">Next Generation Internet</a> initiative is...
Resilience & Sustainability
Offene Sensordaten für Jedermann - Ein Citizen Science Projekt basierend auf Open Source und Open Hardware
Der Talk soll die Geschichte der senseBox von Beginn bis jetzt wiedergeben....
Resilience & Sustainability
On the Edge of Human-Data Interaction with the Databox
In this talk I will report on Databox, the focus of a UK-based research...
Resilience & Sustainability
Reducing Carbon in the Digital Realm
In this talk, you'll learn about the environmental impact of the digital...
Resilience & Sustainability
Server Infrastructure for Global Rebellion
In this talk Julian will outline his work as sysadmin, systems and security...
Resilience & Sustainability
The Planet Friendly Web
Wo beginnt unsere Verantwortung bei der Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer...
Resilience & Sustainability
Verkehrswende selber hacken
Der Talk wird eine wilde Fahrt, vorbei an umfallenden Rollern, etwas Kunst...
Resilience & Sustainability
Wie klimafreundlich ist Software?
Das Umweltbundesamt hat in 2012 mit der Forschung der Umweltrelevanz von...
Resilience & Sustainability

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