Version 1.7

Events by track

Ethics, Society & Politics

  Title Track Speakers
1UP – Analoge Rebellion 2.0
Die Berliner 1UP Crew hat den Spagat zwischen analoger Rebellion und...
Ethics, Society & Politics
5 Jahre blutiger Deal mit Libyen
Gemeinsam mit der Schweizer NGO Humanitarian Pilotes Initiative(HPI) betreibt...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Berg-Karabach zwischen Krieg und Frieden
Im Zuge des diesjährigen rC3 Events soll der Konflikt um die Region...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Building Blocks of Decentralization
Much of our time online continues to be spent in centralized silos. A wide...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Bulgaria Protests 2020
2020 was and still is an eventful year - pandemic, protests, orange men, you...
Ethics, Society & Politics
CIA vs. Wikileaks
In this talk, I aim to report and show a collection of observations,...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Conversation with Bruce Schneier
Live Conversation with Bruce Schneier. Audience questions can be submitted...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Das Assange-Auslieferungsverfahren
Die USA hat im Vereinigten Königreich die Auslieferung von Julian Assange...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht 2020:
Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht schaut zurück und nach vorne: Was sind die...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Die alternativlose Umverteilungs-Gala!
Das Quartiersmanagement Grunewald präsentiert innovative Interventionen im...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Exposure Notification Security
Bluetooth is still the best technology we have in a smartphone to implement...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und die Wachstumsfrage
Auch wenn CO2-Moleküle und Corona-Viren naturwissenschaftlich nicht...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Inside xHamster
xHamster ist die meistbesuchte Pornoseite Deutschlands und eine der...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Körperverletzung im Amt durch Polizeibeamt:innen
Polizeibeamt:innen, die die gesetzlichen Grenzen für den Einsatz von Gewalt...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Lesung: Qualityland 2.0
Schwer was los in QualityLand, dem besten aller möglichen Länder.
Ethics, Society & Politics
„Mein Huren-Manifest“ – Online-Lesung und Gespräch mit Undine de Rivière
Über Prostituierte glaubt jeder Bescheid zu wissen: Huren verkaufen ihre...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Milk Tea Alliance, let's make protest cute again!
In this pre-recorded performative talk, I will explain the recent formation...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Nazis in Games
The depiction of Nazis in games tends to downplay their atrocities and...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Nazis in Games
The depiction of Nazis in games tends to downplay their atrocities and...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Neoliberalism has been killing us - Chile is awakening
Since October 2019 the Chilean people have been fighting for social dignity...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Neues vom Peng! Collective
In dringender Angelegenheit: Die Welt ist an einem Wendepunkt. Wer übernimmt...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Patente töten.
Ob sie von Biontec, Curevac oder Moderna kommen werden, schon jetzt haben...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Radikale Töchter
Wir sind die Radikalen Töchter und schlagen da auf, wo es passiert: auf dem...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Rückblick auf ein turbulentes Jahr digitale Schule
Ich habe mich ein Jahr in meinem Podcast mit den Fragen digitaler Bildung...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Schwurbeldemos der Neuen Rechten und Gegenprotest
Aktivist*innen der "Antiverschwurbelten Aktion" nehmen den kleinen...
Ethics, Society & Politics
Spot the Surveillance
The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Kurt Opsahl with show you how to...
Ethics, Society & Politics
The EU Digital Services Act package
During this event, we will discuss and propose basic safeguards that should...
Ethics, Society & Politics
The Mission of the MV Louise Michel
SAR for us does not mean “Search and Rescue", but “Solidarity and...
Ethics, Society & Politics
The state of digital rights in Latin America
Oftentimes, we read about the state of digital rights on the Global North and...
Ethics, Society & Politics
What the cyberoptimists got wrong - and what to do about it
They stole our future. Let's take it back.
Ethics, Society & Politics


  Title Track Speakers
Digitales Klassenzimmer
In diesem Workshop können Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Schüler.innen und andere...
#DiVOC Forever
DiVOC - Digitally distributed Online Chaos - is a series of online gatherings...
Infrastructure Review
This conference is run by teams of volunteers. In this event, they will...
#rC3 Eröffnung
Willkommen zur ersten und hoffentlich einzigen Remote Chaos Experience!
Restreale Technikgeschichte(n)
Seit 2003 gibt es die Berliner Online-Community "Restrealitaet". So...

Hardware & Making

  Title Track Speakers
Accessible input for readers, coders, and hackers
When people develop carpal tunnel or various medical conditions, it can be...
Hardware & Making
Welcome to Careables! Care-receivers, healthcare professionals and makers...
Hardware & Making
CO2 Messen - in Räumen und in der Atmosphäre
CO2, Kohlenstoffdioxid, ist inzwischen im Bewusstsein aller angekommen. Ob...
Hardware & Making
Die wunderliche Welt der Netzteilhieroglyphen
Ob Notebook oder Bluetooth-Lautsprecher: wenn Ihr ein neues Elektrogerät...
Hardware & Making
I could not resist
Photoresists are one of the essential ingredients for chip manufacturing and...
Hardware & Making
liketohear - Self-Adjustment of Open Source Mobile Hearing Aid Prototype
I'll speak about the liketohear framework providing an intuitive gui for...
Hardware & Making
Measuring radioactivity using low-cost silicon sensors
This talk gives a brief introduction to natural radioactivity and shows how a...
Hardware & Making
RAMN: Resistant Automotive Miniature Network
Studying automotive systems is often expensive and inconvenient, which...
Hardware & Making
remote Stellwerk Experience
Eisenbahnen fahren nicht einfach so drauflos: wegen der langen Anhaltewege...
Hardware & Making
Unconventional HDL synthesis experiments
Most synthesis goes from hardware description languages to FPGA bitstreams or...
Hardware & Making


  Title Track Speakers
A DID-Method for Blobaa
In this talk, we will present the bba DID method and how it fits into the...
Advanced Hexagon Diag
State-of-the-art report on Qualcomm DIAG diagnostic protocol research, its...
Attacking CPUs with Power Side Channels from Software: Warum leaked hier Strom? (en)
Everyone knows and loves the famous line from the cinematic masterpiece where...
The German Corona-Warn-App was published on June 16, 2020 and has been...
COVID-19 Exposure Notifications
The Google/Apple Exposure Notifications protocol (GAEN) and COVID-19 contact...
Crypto Wars 2.0 (de)
Die globale Informationsoperation der 5-Eyes-Allianz & Verbündeter mit FBI,...
Etherify - bringing the ether back to ethernet
In this talk i will describe shortly the concept of soft tempest, and show a...
Fuzzing the phone in the iPhone
How secure is the interface between baseband chips and iOS? While this...
Hacking German Elections
After the first unsuccessful deployment of voting machines in Germany about...
Hacking the Nintendo Game & Watch
On November 13., Nintendo launched its newest retro console, the Nintendo...
LVI: Hijacking Transient Execution through Microarchitectural Load Value Injection
Load Value Injection (LVI) is a new class of transient-execution attacks...
Ramming Enclave Gates: A Systematic Vulnerability Assessment of TEE Shielding Runtimes
This talk presents an extensive security analysis of trusted-execution...
The Weakest Link
Ein Klick auf einen "Unsubscribe"-Link in einem Newsletter reicht oft aus,...
Tracking Ransomware End-to-end
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the files of infected hosts and...
Tut mal kurz weh – Neues aus der Gesundheits-IT
The Boys are back in Town: Dieses Jahr haben sich Tschirsich und Saatjohann...
Watching the Watchers - How Surveillance Companies track you using Mobile Networks
Every day, surveillance companies attack mobile networks, attempting to track...
What Price the Upload Filter?
The EU has been pushing for apps that support end-to-end encrypted messaging...

Fireside Chat

  Title Track Speakers
Andreas Eschbach – Fireside Chat
Lesung aus N.S.A. und lockeres Gespräch mit dem deutschen SciFi-Autor.
Fireside Chat
Cory Doctorow – Fireside Chat
Fireside Chat with Cory Doctorow. Make sure not to miss Cory's main talk...
Fireside Chat
Theresa Hannig – Fireside Chat
Lesung aus "Die Unvollkommenen", Vorstellung des aktuellen Buchprojekts...
Fireside Chat
Zoë Beck – Fireside Chat
Lesung und lockeres Gespräch mit der vielfach ausgezeichneten deutschen...
Fireside Chat


  Title Track Speakers
Angry weather ?
"Listen to the science" is relatively easy when it comes to mitigating...
Über mutierte Viren, tödliche Impfungen und den täglichen Wahnsinn in der Notaufnahme
Medizinisch-wissenschaftliche Hintergrundinformationen zur Corona Pandemie...
Climate Tipping Points
Politicians, economists and even some natural scientists have tended to...
Nach der Coronakrise ist mitten in der Klimakrise
Immer neue Hitzerekorde, Dürresommer und Naturkatastrophen führen uns immer...
Organizational Psychology and Software Teams
We work and research in the field of work and organizational psychology in...
Scientific Literacy 101
This year saw a major invasion of scientific work into the center of public...
The big melt: Tipping points in Greenland and Antarctica
Storing ice volumes of more than 65 meters sea-level equivalent, the ice...
Wie Nerds überleben, wenn down ist
Stromausfall im Münsterland, Corona selbst oder die unterbrochenen weltweiten...
X-ray free electron lasers: A new paradigm in science
New research opportunities, a flood of scientific data and the future of data...

Art & Culture

  Title Track Speakers
Ballern 3.0 – create a safer party
Sonar – Safer nightlife Berlin steht für safer use und safer spaces im...
Art & Culture
Biohacking in art
With her transdisciplinary works, media artist Theresa Schubert manages to...
Art & Culture
Boiling Mind
The role of the audience in stage performances is changing from passive...
Art & Culture
close encounters @rc3 #1
Wir komponieren und produzieren einen Community Track!
Art & Culture
close encounters @rc3 #2
Wir komponieren und produzieren einen Community Track!
Art & Culture
close encounters @rc3 #3
Wir komponieren und produzieren einen Community Track!
Art & Culture
close encounters @rc3 Wrapup & Q&A
Trackvorstelllung und Fazit - Q&A
Art & Culture
Hacking Diversity: The Politics of Inclusion in Open Technology Cultures
A firsthand look at efforts to improve diversity in software and hackerspace...
Art & Culture
LightKultur in Deutschland
In den letzten Monaten der coronabedingten Kulturkrise hat sich aus der...
Art & Culture
OPENCOIL – A Roaming Speedshow
[EN] The OPENCOIL exhibition explores the impact of micro-mobility...
Art & Culture
The Yes Men from Tricksters in an age of dirty tricks
Surprise from The one and only Yes Men
Art & Culture
This Is Not A Game (de)
Dieser Vortrag beschreibt die Entwicklung von QAnon als Spiel mit Realität...
Art & Culture
Turning Facial Recognition Against the Police
In October 2020, Paolo Cirio collected 1000 public images of police officers...
Art & Culture
Twilight - Broadcasting Ice Sculpture
Illuminated Ice blockes are melting. The ice/light/sound installation is an...
Art & Culture
Wie können wir das digitale Museum aufhalten?
Museen digitalisieren ihre Sammlungen, Dokumentationen und die Vermittlung....
Art & Culture

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