Version Mildenberg
Schedule for day – 2017-12-28
Saal Adams, Saal Borg, Saal Clarke, Saal Dijkstra
Saal Adams | Saal Borg | Saal Clarke | Saal Dijkstra | |
10:00 |
11:00 |
Therapiestunde mit einem Datenjournalisten und vielen bunten Visualisierungen
Approaches to working with sound and network data transmissions as a sculptural medium.
12:00 |
Über die Banalität der Beeinflussung und das Leben mit Algorithmen
Shamir secret sharing: How it works and how to implement it
13:00 |
5.-Klässlerinnen, die über die Millisekunden für einen delay()-Aufruf diskutieren! Gibt es nicht? Doch, gibt es!
...and dehumanize ourselves in the process?
On the obstacles to think of emergent technologies in the field of nursing science
14:00 |
Tools for Fooling the "Black Box"
Dissecting FPGAs from bottom up, extracting schematics and documenting bitstream formats
15:00 |
Ways to Chaos in Digital and Analogue Electronics
Die aktuellen Auseinandersetzungen über digitale Freiheitsrechte
16:00 |
Where IoT has gone wrong
...or why we need 17 billion Volts to make a picture.
17:00 |
18:00 |
An introduction into reverse-engineering x86 microcode and writing it yourself
A Rapidly Emerging Police State and Imminent Deportation to Sri Lanka and Philippines
(without your mom yelling at you)
19:00 |
Analyzing & Breaking Exploit Mitigations and Secure Random Number Generators on QNX 6.6 and 7.0
Exposing the global banking watchlist
Will You Be My Plugin?
20:00 |
21:00 |
Wie die Überwachung unsere Sicherheit gefährdet
22:00 |
Fun with lattices in cryptography and cryptanalysis
Practical cache attacks on the MMU
23:00 |
From Hacker Culture to the Software of the Future
Zum Verbot von Indymedia linksunten
Theory and practice of moonshining and legal distilling
An AES encrypted radio system
00:00 |
from apple to schnaps -- a complete diy-toolchain
The Robots Play Our Music and What Do We Do?
Zahlenraten für Geeks (Stream)
01:00 |
02:00 |