Version 707


Friday 14:00

Latin Lounge


translucid & Caliprisun (Mjut, Many Moods)

Furo no ba

Leipziger Basis
mjut / Das Konglomerat

Friday 16:00

Mohammed Atari vs. YJ Heimi

YouTube Jockeys - Uptown

YJ Heimi ist YouTube-Jockey und Heimleiter der Restrealitaet.

Friday 17:00


Furo no ba

Vinyl Selecta of finest Soul and Jazz Tunes.
Music lover // DJ // record collector // artist

Friday 18:00


DJ Set - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Eine kleine Nerdmusique.

Musique ist Liebe und Ausdruck meines erweiterten Selbst.




Friday 19:00

Friday 20:00

Unicorn Partisans live

disco punk vs technocrust - Discotheque Nouveauancien

disco punk vs technocrust

glittering queer anarcha lyrics in German, English and Russian.
with lots of humor and irony, criticism and self-criticism …
spoken, screamed and sung …

accompanied and mixed to hard beats, distorted sounds and playful melodies.
Danceable and with a big wink.
punky and beautyful.

dance, fight and glitterize!

DJ Bosch

DJ-Set - Uptown

Resident @multisex party in Ohm.

From Berlin with Love.

DJ Bosch aka Tobias is resident at Multisex party happening at Ohm/Berlin. The Multisex party promotes clarity on the dance floor along with diverse music. Depending on the booking, they create different dancing moods with classy tunes that craft a pure and effective house, disco and techno sound. Multisex is an attempt to encourage non-verbal communication on the dance floor. The goal is to get people together while dancing free. Besides that Tobias is doing the lights at the multisex partys and is a regular light operator at Berghain/Panoramabar in Berlin.

Friday 21:00

Super Flu

Discotheque Nouveauancien


Furo no ba

1000 Echochambers

Sätche ist sowas von Teil der Familie - seine Echochamber läuft regelmässig in der c-base, er fährt ne alte Feuerwehr und wer ihm krummkommt, merkt das schon.

Sätchmoe is sooo part of the family - his Echochamber runs regularly in the c-base, he drives an old fire brigade and whoever annoyise him, will notices that.

Friday 22:00

Joghurt Bambaata


Unter gewaltigen Opfern, schreibt er eine Reihe von Geschichten mit Ortsnamen, Jahreszahlen und sonstigen Daten, die sich durchaus belegen lassen und in ihrer Wirklichkeit nicht anzuzweifeln sind. Diese Eckdaten sind nur Bruchstücke, die aus einer...

Friday 23:00


Discotheque Nouveauancien

Wie viele in unserer Generation leidet auch Fritz Windish an dem Fluch eines Multitalents.
Da fällt es schonmal schwer sich zu konzentrieren. Aber wenn ihr ihn hier verpasst weil ihr gerade etwas besseres zu tun habt dann spätestens in Hollywood.

Pat Styx

Furo no ba

Looking forward to Schuppi

Patstyx aka Schuppi war schon Sysadmin als man noch beim Internet angerufen hat - er zog weg, nach Halle, in Congressnähe. Legte schon immer auf, macht Podcasts und Drum´n Bass Events und wir freuen uns auf Schuppi.

Patstyx was already sysadmin when you called the Internet, by dialing a number on moms phone - he moved away, to Halle, near the congress. Allways deejayed, does podcasts and Drum´n Bass events and we are looking forward to Schuppi.

Friday 00:00


Downtempo DJ-Set - Uptown

Die Sonnensysteme aka SOSY ist ein Kind einfacher Verhältnisse. Vor der Wende im Spaß seiner Eltern entstanden, ist er in der Zeit nach dem Mauerfall aufgewachsen und erntete schon in der Schulzeit was er säte. Neben Verwechselungen mit seinem Bruder, geht er auch einer verwandtschaftlichen Beziehung zu seiner Schwester nach.
Als Emanzipation in einen zufriedenstellenden Zustand der Individualität machte sich der Drittgeborene neben seiner Nesthäkchentätigkeit auf in die Welt der elektronischen Musik. Als Grundstein gilt seine Liebe zu knackigem dystopisch anmutendem Techno und anderen musikalischen Perlen zwischen Melodie, Kitsch, Echo und Ambient. Daraus entwickelte sich irgendwann in den 2010er Jahren die Idee alles etwas langsamer anzugehen: SOSY begann die Hits der Szene runterzupitchen. Und nun ist er DJ. Immernoch aus Halle an der Saale und trinkt gerne Sekt.
In einer Geschwindigkeit, fernab der des Lichts, sendet er seine kosmische Idee von Downtempo zwischen 90 und 108 BPM mit Schallgeschwindigkeit in die Weiten des Äthers.

So sieht's aus. Ehrlich.

Friday 01:00

Cosmic DJ

Discotheque Nouveauancien

Daniel Sommer – besser bekannt als Cosmic DJ – war in den 1990er Jahren Mitglied der wegweisenden HipHop-Crossover-Truppe Fischmob und nach deren Entschwinden Ende des Jahrzehnts ein Drittel der House-Helden International Pony (zusammen mit DJ Koze und Erobique). Nebenbei betätigte er sich auch noch als Blogger bei der Onlineausgabe von "Die Zeit" und Remixer (u.a. für Tocotronic und Rocko Schamoni) und beherrscht diverse handgemachte Instrumente jenseits des Elektro-Turntablerocker-Zusammenhangs. Seinen jüngsten kreativen Flash feierte Cosmic DJ im August 2008, als er einen Alleinunterhalter-Abend nur mit Coverversionen von Liedern bestritt, die sich allein seinem Wohnort Hamburg widmeten. 2009 kollaborierte er mit der DJane Ada auf deren Remixalbum "Adaptations Mixtape #1", ist seitdem aber nur sporadisch als Musiker in Erscheinung getreten. Er engagierte sich in verschiedenen Hamburger Kunst- und Kulturprojekten, darunter die von ihm ins Leben gerufene Aktion "Awesome Tapes from Your Kinderzimmer", bei der er auf seiner Facebook-Seite dazu aufrief, alte selbstgemachte Cassetten-Aufnahmen einzuschicken.

Señor Sib & ZeerOne

Furo no ba

Señor SIB ist in der (guten) politschen Bildung tätig und er sammelt (gute) Platten und er ist ein (guter) Freund - irgendein Bogen von jazzig zu drum´n bass war mal im Gespräch.
Señor SIB is active in (good) political education and he collects (good) records and he is a (good) friend - some bow from jazzy to drum´n bass was once in the conversation.

ZeerOne der Philosoph mit diesem Humor darf nicht fehlen. Er ist der Inbegriff der gut gelaunten Stetigkeit und sein musikalisches Spektrum würde auf kein Display passen.
ZeerOne the philosopher and with this humor must not be absent. He is the epitome of good-humoured consistency and his musical spectrum he would not fit on any display.

Friday 03:00


Game Boy live! - Discotheque Nouveauancien

DJ X LIVE ACT performing a rollercoaster of dancy, ravy and glitchy tunes, spiced with unexpected voice/samples/drops and occasional bent toys bringing some improvised fun challenges to herself and sometimes the audience :)

"I had the pleasure to met Oliotronix in Denmark at the Chipwrecked Festival.
Her set was one of my favorite, a blazing mix of chiptune, circuitbending and DIY culture delivered right on your face as a mega banging rave.
I was blown away when I discovered she was improvising!
Check it out and follow her FB page and check for her live performances around Europe!" (IANO,

Since 2017 her new music setup has taken shape in form of energetic performances using Gameboy DMG and various electronic noise machines still combined with an hooligan/techno/electro/rave/core DJ set. Feedback from the audience:
1. “What is exciting about DJ Oliotronix is she doesn't follow the trend but deliver crazy sets following her own taste while keeping it entertaining on a high level of intensity. Prepare to have fun!“ Madame Claude, Berlin
2. “Very original and eclectic, with interesting non-standard use of equipment!” Galaxy Wolf, London
2. “Great! Good energy and selection. Nice to see DJs enjoying themselves too!” Crux, London“

Friday 04:00


Dubcore - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Vor fundundzwanzig Jahren gabs krasses Techno-Acid und da gabs irgendwie echt verrückte Raver, aber irgendwas fehlte da noch:

Es müsste so ne Musik geben, die so kaputt ist, dass die Neonazi/Hooligan/Gabba-Sporttanztypen mit ihren Volkswagenautos und ihren blonden Freundinnen und Bomberjacke und so, dass die das nicht gut finden - aber so die Punks und die Acidraver, dass die da Lust drauf haben.

Nasty rhythms treffen auf 808, sowohl in seinen heavy DJ Sets als auch in seinen eigenen Produktionen

Saturday 14:00


Furo no ba


zuurb ist eine wandelnde Chillgoldmine. Ob vor internationalen Größen Drum´n Bass Sets astrein abzuliefern oder stundenlang melanchonische Knusper-Piano-Flocken rieseln zu lassen, er kann es.

zuurb is a walking chillgoldmine, whether to deliver drum´n bass sets in front of international stars or to let melanchonic crunchy piano flakes trickle for hours, he can do it.

Saturday 16:00

Chaos Ballet

Discotheque Nouveauancien

We* dance against K.I.. With one another. For each other. Against Artificial Intelligence and structures that are increasingly forcing the artistic and creative onto pathways of the consumable and for a matriarchal society in which caring and crea...

Recognizing and promoting creative processes is the challenge of a future society. How can this be done quite differently than ever before?
What can a liberating interpretation of intellectual property look like?

What is there the relation to existing accesses to and the distribution of (natural) ressources? How do we image self-organized technical and social infrastructures of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and how do we bring them to life? What form should negotion processes between individual, collective, institutional and privat economical bodies take on for this? Between the rigorous form of ballet and the unpredictability of chaos the Chaos Ballett creates possible scenarios for the future. For example automated logging of altruism by technically recording and evaluating somatic processes. Interactions and responses are captured, made exploitable and recognizable with blockchain-based contracts. Whatever doesn’t exist either has yet to be or never will.

What we don't solve with each other, we won't solve for society.

Story by: Sina Kamala Kaufmann

Music by: Thomas Liebkose & Fabian Rack feat. Kabel Trace

Chaos Ensemble: Margarida Isabel de Abreu Neto,...

Broke Witches


Saturday 17:00

Das Kfmw

Furo no ba

Irgendwelche Fragen?

Das Kraftfuttermischwerk. Srlsy? Ihr kennt Ronny nich? Bester Mumpelkollege, Chillflaggenhochhalter, hat auch ein tollen Myspaceaccount.

Das Kraftfuttermischwerk. Srlsy? You don't know Ronny? Best mate, chilloutmusic clockstone, also has a great myspaceaccount.

Saturday 18:00


DJ-Set - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Naroma is a female dj, visual artist and ambassador for a free and passionate world. 
based now in Leipzig after 8 years in barcelona, she believes in music like in an universal language, some call her sets aromatherapy.
often its an eclectic journey from downbeat-chill-groovy-uplifting-danceable-electronic-melodic-epic-give it all.
she has travelled on all continents, the last years her connections to south and north america are growing.

Saturday 20:00

Pastor Leumund LIVE

Testsieger unter den analogen Zufallsgeneratoren - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Since the stonage the dadaistic preacher is collecting german mutant mantras. For him, our language system is built on lies, which is why he mercilessly pours over his community with recycled slogans. With the music of Friedrich Greiling aka Mittekill his preaching has become danceable discursive disco dada.

Eddi Ivo


Mr. JB

Furo no ba

The master of mission.

Mr. JB aka monkeyking ist die Geheimwaffe und der wohl am besten vorbereiteteste DJ im Shutterisland, ein wandelndes Musiklexikon und Meister der Übergänge und genau darum bekommt er auch 6h Playtime.
Mr. JB is the secret weapon and probably the best prepared dj in shutterisland, a walking music encyclopedia and master of transitions and that's exactly why he gets 6h playtime.

Saturday 21:00

Sportbrigade Sparwasser

Techno - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Saturday 22:00

samtbody & samantha


samtbody aka lippstueck aka velvet hollywood, goldmund, biesenthal, air cushion finish:
music you won’t forget, music you will remember while listening to it for the first time, music that has been waiting for you, music you wanna keep without owning it, music that grows in your mind, music that would not have been what it becomes without you listening.

… as you all know once upon a time the world started in biesenthal. for us however, it all started with music from air cushion finish.
(breakfast of champions / HH)

… eclecticness returns with samtbody, a veteran from the Avant-garde Berlin nightlife whose magic craft and inventiveness take the listener on a psychic hike through experimental trails.
(caja negra/tepeme musica / MEX)

… beruhigt und beseelt.
(pingipung / HH)

… belongs in a movie soundtrack for sure.
( manny’nuf / NA)

… the feeling of this journey lingers like having become the ocean itself.
(annie sea / CA)

Saturday 23:00

Ruede Hagelstein LIVE

Live Techno - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Wollte mal Rockstar werden. Zum DJ hat es gereicht. Zur Residenz im Watergate Club auch irgendwie. Aufgewachsen bei und nie erwachsen geworden in Berlin. Gearbeitet als Redakteur bei etlichen Stadtmagazinen. Philosophie-Studium fast nicht abgebrochen. Eigenes label DUAT Records gegründet, so ein Ding namens Restrealitaet auch. Für immer Computer-Musik am machen.

Max Raschke

Furo no ba

Saturday 00:00

Kollektiv Turmstraße

Techno / House - Discotheque Nouveauancien

There are few artists operating in the house/techno milieu who offer much beyond functionality in their music. Those who bring more than this to the table always stand out from the crowd. Hamburg/Berlin duo Kollektiv Turmstrasse (Christian Hilscher and Nico Plagemann) are one of those rare acts whose music caters for both body and soul.

Lia Sahin LIVE

Beatboxing - Uptown

Die übliche beatboxende rothaarige deutsche transgender Frau mit türkischem Migrationsvordergrund, digga.

Lia Şahin bricht mit ihrer Art und Weise viele Gedanken und musikalische Grenzen auf.
Sie arbeitet seit 7 Jahren hauptberuflich als freischaffende Künstlerin und hoppst zwischen feministischen Veranstaltungen, HipHop Open Mic´s, Electro Festival´s, Keynote Präsentationen und interaktiven Trommelevents hin und her und ist leidenschaftlich ein fester Bestandteil von Rap for Refugees e.V als Beatbox Coach und kreative Leitung.
Über 1000 Gigs & Events hat sie innerhalb der letzten Jahre mit namhaften Vertretern einiger Branchen und Genre-Größen durchgeführt.
Als leidenschaftliche Gamerin und Technik- affiner Mensch liebt sie die Kombination aus natürlicher Stimme und alles was einem neue Technologien ermöglichen um ein neues Stimmbild zu generieren und Sounds zu erstellen.
2017 spielte sie erfolgreich auf dutzenden Festivals und unterhielt die Menge stundenlang mit lediglich einer Loopstation App auf dem Iphone und einem Mikrofon.
Nach ihrem Coming-Out beschloss sie ihre Fähigkeiten außerhalb ihrer eigenen Selbstverwirklichung weiter zu geben in der Kinder und Jugendsozialarbeit sowie im feministischen und politischem Kontext.
Sie produziert, sie singt, sie rappt, sie bea...

Saturday 01:00


Furo no ba

☙⊰ soundtracks for successful living ⊱☙

Saturday 02:00


Techno - Discotheque Nouveauancien

brick habe ich schon öfter auflegen erlebt als alle anderen Techno DJs. Das kommt daher weil ich
Techno eigentlich noch nie besonders spannend fand. Zu kalt, zu monoton, zu sehr seiner reinen
Funktionalität zugewandt. brick erfindet Techno nicht neu, aber er präsentiert ihn in einem wohl
überlegten und angenehm temperierten Gewand. (Rudolf Mooshammer 2019 koloriert)

Saturday 04:00


Discotheque Nouveauancien

T-Data's and Sui's paths crossed three years ago at the 34C3. Since than their connection brings forth synergies in many different spheres, wherein a constant empathic dialog between these two friends evolves. Reaching from the sphere of queerfeminist reflection especially within clubculture to the sphere of fondly selected bass music.
after some years and try outs in different projects from Stuttgart over Frankfurt Main, to Leipzig they decided to give their process and love for eclectic bass rhythms a home and founded, the L1CK Collective this year, together with Valeska.

Sunday 14:00

Chiara Salome


Chiara Salome is a Berlin based DJ presenting an ambient techno set. Carefully selected tracks from genres like techno, spiritual music, drone, dark ambient, 90's IDM and even symphonic music are
entangled into a marvellous tapestry of sound. She...


Furo no ba

Potsdam//Stethoscope Crew - WHWMF//GD
Sessions//World Of Deep Beats

Sunday 15:00


Furo no ba

From the family ...

Sunday 16:00

Kitti Mimi


Sunday 17:00


Furo no ba

Sunday 18:00


House - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Since the magical 1980’s, the species known as Raver focused on creating the perfect dance move to express on this dance-floor of life. Around the same time, Michael Neigenfend, a young boy from the limited-travel zone of West Berlin decided he wanted to find a sound that knew no limits to their dedication. Oh shit, another DJ is born.

Armed with an expanding taste in classic punk rock and hip-hop, soon he was led into the world of powerful beats that the future-forming kids around him loved so much. He met them in the church of acid techno, big-beat and drum and bass—a place where he jockeyed the discs for many weekends until it was clear he needed to have a say on those beats himself. Here, under the light of a crescent moon, a new producer is born.

By now the Berlin Wall was well and truly down and you could even buy small pieces of it from the shop, meaning that his home city was filled with more space than the ravers knew how to sing and dance about. So they squatted its old factories and made techno rituals in the neighbouring fields and danced and played and danced and played until one day someone said ‘Hey, why not bring all the ideas of all the different people to...

Alto Bloom


Sunday 19:00


Furo no ba

Basic chillout

Barbnerdy ist Teil der Congresschillabteilung - Gemeinsam ihre gute Musik mit viel Bass hören, das ist nämlich ihr Steckenpferd.
Barbnerdy is part of the Congresschill department - listening together to her good music with lots of bass, that's her hobby.

Sunday 20:00

Kleine Klinke


Sunday 21:00

Danielle Arielli

Acid House - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Danielle was always surrounded by music. Her mother teaching
music was just the first introduction to singing, guitar and piano at
a young age. At 12 Danielle was already determined to make
music, whether it be on machines or playing bass in the school
band, she realised that music was her passion very early. Whether
its a disco inspired set on the beach in summertime or a dirty acid
house rave in a big dark room, you always know its Danielle on the decks. Her tight mixing techniques and attentive track selection of
the best house music make for a hell of a party.
Since moving to Berlin from Tel Aviv in 2015 to pursue her love for
music, she has played on festivals like Garbicz, Feel, 3000Grad,
Waha (Romania), Sa Terza Metari (Sardinia) and clubs like Kater
Blau, Mensch Meier, Wilden Renata and Institüt Für Zukunft. Not to
mentioned in her own home town, Tel Aviv, playing in some of the
best clubs like Alphabet. If she’s not playing her firey sets
somewhere, you can find Danielle working in her Berlin studio.
With top hit releases on renown labels like Plastik People [US],
Keno Records [DE], Guesthouse Music [US], Hungarian Hot Wax
[UK], Refuge [AUS] and of cour...

Mike Lait & Svenni

Furo no ba

Music that feels like a warm blanket.

Mike Lait baut schon seit Jahren Deko auf dem Congress.
Das kann er gut. Auch wirklich gut kann er Musik auflegen, die sich wie eine warme Kuscheldecke anfühlt.

Mike Lait has been building deco at the congress for years.
He's good at that. He is also good at put on music that feels like a warm blanket.

Sunday 22:00



Sunday 23:00

Dave Dinger

Discotheque Nouveauancien

Dave Dinger began his illustrious career in Berlins legendary Bar25 in his own, very special way. There, he didn’t just play music, but actually built the DJ booths where the music was played from. This unique blend of passion for music and intrigue in aesthetic concepts has driven him through the mesmerising Berlin underground since the end of the '90s.
Dave is personalizing his workspace as a DJ according to his interpretation of what electronic music culture is all about. There is a certain warmth, honesty and depth throughout his work that transcends through both his musicality and his design treatments. As a core member of Berlins famous Bachstelzen Collective, he was one of the founders who blueprinted what got to be known as the typical Berlin style – an architecture of social, musical and aesthetic concepts.Using chaotic, wild and organic scrap wood in his constructions were his distinctive signature well before the term ‘up-cycling‘ became hip. Bar25, the Katerholzig club and the Bachstelzen floor at Fusion Festival were prototypes of this time.

His recent works contain a more polarising focus; a love for minimalistic abstract geometry, and years of experience in pr...

Sunday 00:00

Dan Bay



Furo no ba

Sunday 01:00

David Dorad

Techno - Discotheque Nouveauancien

David Dorad—whose surname sounds like a fish dish ordered in the Spanish isles—has, through
his two decade electronic romance, become a key element in the German dance scene. Born
out of wedlock to techno and house, he delivers honest and driving sets that take us up and
over, just before jolting us sideways.
Travelling through the hotbed of the Berlin rave culture led him to be an integral part of its pro-
vocative history. Founding Bachstelzen with friends at the flip of the millennium, these parties
paved the pay for a subculture where dance floors became utopic adult playgrounds. Around
the same time, the infamous Bar25 opened its doors. Here, his dynamic stage persona found
a weekend home, and on all the other ones he gathered the troops at parties around the rest
of Europe. Today he continues to move this way and is a regular at the likes of Fusion Festival
and Garbicz while travelling between Europe, Asia and the Americas. Whether in foreign lands
or home haunts, his powerful feeling for people and deep intuition for sound lights up the night
and blooms through the morning.
Dorad’s sets are unshazamable, dance floor hysterical and quietly historical. Cutting ...

Sunday 03:00

Piano Lou & Tars

Discotheque Nouveauancien

Monday 14:00

Wando Waiato


I love to hear music. And I love to hear what it sounds like when two tracks start singing together, when they like each other. It's their way of making babies. Immediately after a first kiss between their parents, these children come to life on a cosy dance floor, surrounded by a warm and friendly twilight. Sometimes protected by concrete in the urban jungle. Sometimes hiding behind trees in the deep forests of mother earth.

Monday 16:00

Peter Kirn Workshop

techno as folk instrument: Open technology for music making, and its potential - Discotheque Nouveauancien

Who's afraid of a planet of producers? Musical computation by necessity was once restricted to advanced laboratories. But electronic noise has come in cycles of democratization, liberation, and creative misuse.

A new wave of tools makes powerful sonic capabilities available in free and open source platforms for software and hardware. Here's an overview of the state of some of those tools. We'll focus in particular on VCV Rack, the software recreation of modular synthesizers, which is both open to developers and still provides a pathway for software and hardware makers to earn a living for their products. We'll try a brief hands-on to see how this makes modular synthesis concepts accessible, via free software on Mac/Windows/Linux. Then, we'll zoom out to the larger landscape of tools and how they could reshape music production and instrument making.

Rather than see technology alone as a faceless cultural force, these tools - and techno as genre - demonstrate the potential of participatory technology. The communities around them can become more powerful as they grow, rather than extractive or limited, sharing information and developing audiences and makers in parallel.

DJ Asthma


your favourite asthmatic from Mannheim, Germany!

What started with producing techno music a few years back has now come to the next step of evolution!
But not with focus on straight thundering techno - electro & breaks, sometimes house is what DJ Asthma is all about.


Sie rufen an - ich lege auf

Monday 18:00

OS/X.Y. (Local Prophets) live

Live Electronic Jamming - Discotheque Nouveauancien

OS/X.Y. is NSDOS and Aerodynamika, the co-founders of EightOS. In this set we will explore the
notion of non-equilibrium stability and variability in music in relation to movement. We are also
opening our process up for a jam session, so in case you want to contribute to our source code,
please, join the day before at M3.

Monday 20:00

Peter Kirn live

Live electronics - Discotheque Nouveauancien

PETER KIRN fuels his love of techno and dancefloors with a deep background in experimental music and machines. He's released his own music on Detroit Underground, Snork Enterprises, Instruments of Discipline, and his imprint Establishment, as well as engaging collaborations from architecture and spatial sound to modern dance. As an organizer of open collaborative performance labs, he's worked with CTM,, STUK, and Nusasonic/WSK festivals. He writes and speaks about music making and creative technologies, including running the daily site CDM ( and co-producing the MeeBlip synthesizer hardware line.

Monday 21:00

DJ Internet Offline

Discotheque Nouveauancien

DJ Internet Offline
Ich bin jetzt bei SoundCloud - link in bio

Monday 23:00

irq7 live

Chiptune - Discotheque Nouveauancien

irq7 is a so called "chiptune-artist" who spend a lot of time using old computer-hardware like Gameboys, Commodore-computers and other gadgets to produce a new kind of music.
Cheesy melody's and bumping beats are building dance-tracks, which are not only interesting for fans of retro-sounds.
The songs are somewhere between Electro, Breaks, Drum & Bass and oldschool Chiptunes.

He is playing regularly live-shows since 2006 at many locations supporting international acts (Vienna, New York, Cologne, Frankfurt...).

The first full length album was released in spring 2010 and called "Revenge of the Calm". It was produced one with just one Gameboy.
A few month later, the "It's not me EP" was released which contains cover-versions of his favorite songs coming from old computers like the Commodore-C64 and the Amiga.
In 2011 the "Girls & Gameboys EP" was released and well received. The latest release is from 2018 and called "Large Chiptune Collider" and distributed on audio-tape only.

Beside Gameboy-music, irq7 is focusing on tiny music-instruments and gadgets. All activities are under the umbrella-term "Noizebox",
and can be found at "Noizebox" i...

Monday 00:00

Iron Curtis

Discotheque Nouveauancien

On the continent of electronic music, Johannes Paluka has travelled far and wide, collapsing musical boundaries with enviable ease. Under the moniker of Iron Curtis, the Berlin-based creates his complex, hauntingly beautiful productions from a ran...

Making his debut in 2008 with an EP on Hamburg’s beloved Mirau, he made even more good impressions that year with a contribution to the Deetron’s Fuse. Apart from releasing House on labels like Office, Retreat or Smallville, Paluka runs the project Achterbahn D'Amour with his longtime friend Jool aka Edit Piafra. Here, they focus on Acid infused Techno, electrifying audiences with their shows and releases on L.A based Acid Test imprint. His latest project is called Moon – a collaboration with Johannes Albert from Frank Music, where the two friends exhibit their love for classic Electro and stripped down Techno.

But wherever his musical interests take him, Iron Curtis will always be adding a little soul in his compositions. This is the magic thread that runs through all of his productions and it’s what Iron Curtis transfers from his releases to his live gigs as well. As a DJ he is as inspired and versatile as he is a producer, skilfully taking the dancefloor into the deep and diverse corners of modern dance music.

Monday 02:00

gießen offline live

Discotheque Nouveauancien

Monday 03:00

Marko Morelle

Discotheque Nouveauancien

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