Camp 2007 - 1.01
Chaos Communication Camp 2007 To infinity and beyond
A Case Against C++
Why C++ is bad for the environment, causes global warming and kills puppies
Veranstaltungstyp : Vortrag Track : Hacking Sprache : englisch
Antivirus (In)Security
Bugs in Antivirus Software
Black Ops 2007
Billions Of Packets Can't Be Wrong
Breaking WEP in less than 60 Seconds
the next level
Camp Network Review
Cryptographic key recovery from Linux memory dumps
Does dm-crypt and cryptoloop provide expected security when facing modern computer forensics techniques?
Decoding laser printer tracking dots
Shining lights on surveillance
Drohnen züchten
UAVs und andere spannende Dinge
Veranstaltungstyp : Vortrag Track : Hacking Sprache : deutsch
Enhancing Network Defense
Supplementing firewall and intrusion detection systems through intelligent anomaly detection
Fun with NFC Mobile Phones
Near Field Communication
GNU Radio & the Universal Software Radio Peripheral
Current Capabilities and Future Directions
How they track you when your mobile is switched off
Hardware Hacking for Software Geeks
Essential Tips and Tricks
How to (really) forget your secret crypto key
What you always wanted to know about Flash memory - but were afraid it could be true
Inside Sputnik & OpenBeacon - Smart Dust for the Masses
a hackers guide into homebrewn 2.4GHz hardware & peripherals
Introducing Funk: The Functional Fuzzer
and further explorations into the use of functional languages for network traffic generation
Know your compiler
...and what the optimizer does so you don't have to
Kurzwellen/"hacks" der 70/80er Jahre
Number 7: Calling Planet Earth
A short introduction to the Signaling System #7 protocol suite
Practical RFID Attacks
writing, sniffing & emulating 13.56MHz RFID tags with OpenPCD and OpenPICC hardware
Testing and Exploiting Flash Applications
The A5 Cracking Project
Practical attacks on GSM using GNU Radio and FPGAs
Tits & Bits
pr0n 2.0
Trojans, A Reality Check
An Overview of the Trojans we are really seeing in the wild, their technology and recent developments
Twisting timing in your favour
Finding and exploiting concurrency issues in software
Wir entziehen uns
Mit Technik gegen Überwachung
ZERT: VML, ANI and Third-party Patches
Assembly - lots of it.