- Beyond BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF Microcontrollers
Adam is an independent security researcher focusing on macOS Security, application security and security architecture. He is an active participant in the Apple Security Research program and enjoys digging into new industry technologies and security engineering work.
- MacOS Location Privacy Red Pill: A Rabbit Hole Resulting in 24 CVEs

Most of what I do is related to embedded systems, robotics, or efficient computing. Other fields, like security research, are just a byproduct of always learning how things work :)
- Hacking the RP2350
After studying mechanical engineering, I switched to journalism. After training at the Axel Springer Academy, I worked in the investigative department of Die Welt. At CORRECTIV, I am investigating Russian influence on German politics and the far right.
- identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox

Aline is an applied economist with a special interest in the data economy, competition policy and platform regulation. She has co-founded the digital policy collective Structural Integrity and worked for various NGOs.
- 38C3: Opening Ceremony
- 38C3: Return to legal constructions

Aline Sylla ist technische Referentin bei der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) in Referat 23 - Digitale Dienste und Messengerdienste.
- "Natürlich bin ich 18!" - Altersprüfungen im Netz aus Datenschutzperspektive

Andrei Molodkin's artistic practice is a leading example of Political Minimalism. He is distinctive for his formal approach to material, almost exclusively working in human blood, crude oil, steel and biro. Molodkin's projects have been censored throughout his career, from the Venice Biennale in 2009 where he represented his country in the Russian Pavilion – to 2021 when 'Whitehouse Filled with the Blood of US Citizens' was deemed too dangerous to show and was pulled from its intended location due to political tensions in the lead up to the Insurrection in Washington D.C. Recently, he has made international headlines with 'Putin Filled with Ukrainian Blood', a globally exhibited work produced in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The work was smuggled into Moscow and live-streamed on Red Square during the Victory Day parade. To coincide with the World Cup in Qatar, Molodkin presented a sculpture of the World Cup trophy filled with Qatari oil. It had a symbolic price of $150m to match the amount of money allegedly spent on bribes and kickbacks to FIFA officials. Last year, he publically sold blood-soaked copies of Prince Harry's Memoir, and projected a sculpture filled with the blood of Afghans onto St Paul's Cathedral to comment on Harry's remarks in Spare about his number of kills in Afghanistan. Molodkin has exhibited world-wide. His large-scale installations are in distinguished museum collections with ‘Liquid Modernity’, 2009 entering the Tate Collection, UK in 2012. His artwork 'Dead Man's Switch' 2024 has achieved global resonance with more than 300 publications worldwide.
- Dead Man’s Switch. An art shield to protect the life of Julian Assange

Good at following directions. Bad at obeying rules.
Hardware hacker and general mischief maker.
- IRIS: Non-Destructive Inspection of Silicon

Ange Albertini has been a reverse engineer since the 80s, and started his Infosec career as a malware analyst decades ago.
His wide knowledge of file formats is available in his hundreds of Corkami posters and visualisations, and is essential for projects like Magika, the AI-powered file type detection at Google.
His passion for retrocomputing and funky files makes him explore the darkest corners of the files landscape: bypassing security with ancient techniques, analyzing parsers and breaking them with extreme files, writing tools to evade detections via mock files or polyglots such as PoC||GTFO, exploiting AES-GCM via crypto-polyglots or colliding SHA1 via Shattered.
- Fearsome File Formats

Journalist, filmmaker, and quasi-popstar.
- Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity

Ich arbeite beim Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie in Leipzig zu sozialen und ökologischen Kosten digitaler Technik und bin Gründungsmitglied von Bits & Bäume. Das Konzeptwerk ist ein basisdemokratisches Kollektiv welches zu Themen rund um sozial-ökologische Transformation arbeitet.
- Kein Spaß am Gerät auf 'nem toten Planet(en)!
Anja Lehmann is a professor for cryptography at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, University of Potsdam (https://hpi.de/lehmann/). She works on the design and analysis of cryptographic protocols with provable security guarantees, with a particular focus on privacy-enhancing protocols, such as anonymous credentials.
- EU's Digital Identity Systems - Reality Check and Techniques for Better Privacy
- Als die Kommentarspalten brannten – 11 Monate Einsatz in Gaza
Anne ist Juristin und war über zwei Jahrzehnte in der Staatsanwaltschaft Köln tätig. Als Oberstaatsanwältin ermittelte sie gegen CumEx-Täter*innen und erstritt zahlreiche rechtskräftige Urteile. Bei Finanzwende ist Anne in der Geschäftsführung und leitet den Bereich Finanzkriminalität.
- Der Milliarden-Steuerraub Cum/Ex – wie schädlich ist Wirtschaftskriminalität für unsere Gesellschaft?

Ich habe mal Politik studiert, viele Jahre im Bundestag gearbeitet, u.a. als Referentin für den NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss und als Referentin für Netzpolitik der Linksfraktion, solange es sie gab. Meine Themen sind Grundrechte, Überwachung, Digitale Gewalt und allgemein Fragen von Gerechtigkeit und gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe.
- Digitalisierung mit der Brechstange

I am a PhD student at the University of Hong Kong, where I study Mars-like environments on Earth and the resilient microbes that call them home. I hold a Master’s in Physics from the University of Heidelberg and have conducted research in five countries, presented at conferences in six, and even spent some time working with planetary exploration rovers at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). As a lifelong Star Trek fan, I like to imagine myself as a science officer on an away mission during every field trip. I am hopeful that we will find alien life within this century, and I am working hard to help make it happen.
- Microbes vs. Mars: A Hacker's Guide to Finding Alien Life
Apostolis covers EU policy issues including developments in population movement, security and defence, privacy and survaillance. In the past, he has co-operated with many international media outlets and organisations. He has authored numerous reports, published two books on EU migration and border control policies and has been a member of numerous cross-border investigations. He currently co-operates with BIRN.
- A policy black hole. How Europol and Frontex anticipated their high tech future and why this matters to you.

Architect and PhD, her research and production focuses on the relationship between oil, architecture and power. She is currently in charge of educational projects and spaces at the art institution ‘The Foundry’, France.
She has lectured in universities and institutions and curated workshops for university and PhD students. She participated in research groups including the PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest) SYLVA - Ripensare la selva. Verso una nuova alleanza tra biologico e artefatto, natura e società, selvatichezza e umanità in the research unit of the University of Genova. She was a member of the editorial staff of Vesper. Rivista di Architettura, Arti e Teoria | Journal of Architecture, Arts and Theory of the Università Iuav di Venezia.
She participated in international conferences and published articles and book contributions
- Dead Man’s Switch. An art shield to protect the life of Julian Assange

Ich bin Politikwissenschaftler und Journalist. Als Leiter von FragDenStaat kümmere ich mich vor allem um Informationsfreiheit und alles drumherum, mit dem Freiheitsfonds kaufe ich Menschen aus dem Gefängnis frei.
- Das IFG ist tot – Best of Informationsfreiheit, Gefangenenbefreiung & Machtübernahmen
Arne Vogelgesang ist darstellender Künstler. Mit dem Label internil und unter eigenem Namen realisiert er Kunstprojekte, die dokumentarisches Material, neue Medien, Fiktion und Performance verknüpfen. Ein inhaltlicher Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit ist politische Propaganda im Internet, ein ästhetischer Schwerpunkt ist Menschendarstellung unter digitalen Bedingungen. Gegenwärtig ist er Doktorand für künstlerische Forschung an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien mit einem kannibalistischen VR-Projekt zu Körper, Begehren und Technologie.
- Desiring Technology. Über Porno, Abhängigkeit und Fortschritt
- Spatial Interrogations Or the Color of the Sky
Ben Cartwright-Cox ( @benjojo@benjojo.co.uk ) is a systems engineer in the day, and bad-ideas-blogger on the side.
After working on CDN scale WAF's, tweaking with protocols in ways they should never have been used, and building payment gateway infrastructures for a bank, he now runs his own one-man company bgp.tools that keeps tabs on the everyday internet wide changes via BGP.
- Going Long! Sending weird signals over long haul optical networks

Hi there 👋
I'm a hacker, full stack developer, and advisor about internet standards. I like code golf.
- 🔭 I’m currently working for the Netherlands Standardisation Forum, which facilitates digital cooperation (interoperability) between government organizations and between government, businesses and citizens
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ZIP, ZLIB (RFC 1950, RFC 1951), ASN.1, ODF and OPC file formats
- 💬 Ask me anything about EML_NL¹, JQ, bash, xmlstarlet and PL/pgSQL
- 📫 How to reach me, see my email or 🐦 (@bwbroersma)
- ⚡ Fun fact: I mail and tweet too many oneliners to colleagues
¹ I used to work for the Electoral Council of the Netherlands (Kiesraad), an electoral management body
- How election software can fail

Bianca Kastl, Entwicklerin und digitale Erklärbärin, beschäftigt sich längerem beruflich und zivilgesellschaftlich mit digitalen Infrastrukturen und ihren Technikfolgen im Bereich öffentlicher Verwaltung und Gesundheitswesen. Nach diversen Erfahrungen mit digitalen Pandemieanwendungen ist ihr aktueller Fokus die Beschäftigung mit großen Digitalisierungsvorhaben im Kontext der öffentlichen Verwaltung wie dem Onlinezugangsgesetz, Registermodernisierung, Digitale Identitäten sowie dem digitalen Gesundheitswesen wie der elektronischen Patientenakte, dem europäischen Gesundheitsdatenraum und dem Gesundheitsdatennutzungsgesetz.
- „Konnte bisher noch nie gehackt werden“: Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt für alle!
- Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine – Because Why Not?
Casey Kreer ist Software-Entwicklerin und arbeitet freiberuflich als Consultant für digitale Barrierefreiheit. Sie ist Aktivistin für die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung, insbesondere bei der Verwaltungsdigitalisierung und eine der bedeutendsten jungen Stimmen in ihrer Branche. Casey engagiert sich für einen selbstbestimmten Zugang zu staatlichen Informationen und einen reflektierten Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz.
- Geschredderte Gutachten: Wie nicht nur der Staat bei digitaler Barrierefreiheit versagt

Ich bin Redakteurin von netzpolitik.org und recherchiere zu Digitaler Gewalt, KI und Migration. Vor allem interessiert mich, wie der Staat Technologie gegen Geflüchete und andere marginalisierte Gruppen einsetzt. Ich habe bei Zeit Online volontiert und anschließend eine eigene Zeitschrift mitgegründet und geleitet: das Missy Magazine. Später habe ich bei WIRED Germany gearbeitet. Seit 2018 bin ich Teil der Redaktion von netzpolitik.org.
- Autoritäre Zeitenwende im Zeitraffer

Christian - im Chaos auch als Obelix bekannt - lebt in Frankfurt am Main und arbeitet als Ingenieur bei der Deutschen Flugsicherung. Er hat Elektro- und Informationstechnik in Karlsruhe studiert und ist aktives Mitglied bei Entropia e.V. - CCC Karlsruhe und seit vielen Jahren an der Organisation der Gulaschprogrammiernacht beteiligt.
- Wie fliegt man eigentlich Flugzeuge?
Space engineer and physicist liking science, software, computing, and STEM in general
- High energy physics aside the Large Hadron Collider
Christoph is a legal scholar at the University of Hamburg, working at the intersection of law, philosophy, and cognitive science. He is the Principal Investigator of several international research projects on issues such as blending of organic and artificial intelligence, Virtual Reality.or the regulation of Psychedelics, with a special interest on the idea and the right to freedom of thought.
- Philosophical, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Brain-Computer Interfaces
- Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia

Constanze ist promovierte Informatikerin, Sachbuchautorin, Sprecherin des Chaos Computer Clubs und war technische Sachverständige im Rahmen verschiedener Verfassungsbeschwerdeverfahren (Wahlcomputer, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Hackerparagraph, Staatstrojaner, BND-Gesetz, Big Data bei der Polizei).
Constanze arbeitet bei netzpolitik.org.
- Der CCC-Jahresrückblick
- Klimaschädlich by Design – die ökologischen Kosten des KI-Hypes
- Security Nightmares

Daichi was born on the Okinawan mainland in Japan. His journey to becoming a polyglot began with penpal conversations on Skype, sparking a lifelong interest in languages. A tech enthusiast, he started his professional path as a field engineer, troubleshooting hardware issues and handling network appliance installations. Over time, Daichi transitioned into the field of digital forensics and cybersecurity, ultimately becoming an incident response engineer. Today, he works as an InfoSec consultant for an international company, where he combines his technical expertise with a passion for problem-solving.
- Typing Culture with Keyboard: Okinawa - Reviving the Japanese Ryukyu-Language through the Art and Precision of Digital Input

Daniel Gruss (@lavados) is a Professor at Graz University of Technology. He has been teaching undergraduate courses since 2010. Daniel's research focuses on side channels and transient execution attacks. He implemented the first remote fault attack running in a website, known as Rowhammer.js. His research team was one of the teams that found the Meltdown and Spectre bugs published in early 2018. In 2023, he received an ERC Starting Grant to research the sustainability of security. He frequently speaks at top international venues.
- Ten Years of Rowhammer: A Retrospect (and Path to the Future)
Penetration Tester and Researcher in the Mobile and IoT Security Team at ERNW GmbH
- Auracast: Breaking Broadcast LE Audio Before It Hits the Shelves

Dirk has 25 years of FPGA experience including CAD design tool development, application, FPGA hardware security and, recently, designing FPGA chips. Dirk wrote the book "Partial Reconfiguration of FPGAs" and he leads the Novel Computing Technology group at Heidelberg University
- The Design Decisions behind the first Open-Everything FABulous FPGA

Currently working on libobscura, thanks to Prototype Fund.
Website: dorotac.eu
Mastodon: @dcz@fosstodon.org
- libobscura: Cameras are difficult

Dr. Carsten Adrian ist juristischer Referent bei der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) in Referat 23 - Digitale Dienste und Messengerdienste.
- "Natürlich bin ich 18!" - Altersprüfungen im Netz aus Datenschutzperspektive

Mixæl Swan Laufer worked in mathematics and high energy physics until he decided to use his background in science to tackle problems of global health and human rights. He now is the chief spokesperson for the Four Thieves Vinegar Collective which works to make it possible for people to manufacture their own medications and medical devices at home by creating public access to tools, ideas, and information.
- BioTerrorism Will Save Your Life with the 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective
- Moving with feelings: Behind the scenes of a one man show mobile & fiber operator in Spain

Computational biologist - working at the University of Cambridge, soon starting as a PI in INRIA Lyon.
- Biological evolution: writing, rewriting and breaking the program of life
- 0, 1 oder 2 - Hackerei und Cyberbrei

Fabian Bräunlein has always been curious about taking systems apart. He works as a Security Researcher and Consultant at Berlin-based hacker collective Positive Security. His previous research includes hacking payment systems (32c3), travel systems, IP cameras, URL handlers and Apple's Find My protocol.
- BlinkenCity: Radio-Controlling Street Lamps and Power Plants
Fefe hat für den CCC im Bundestag gegen das Hackertoolverbot lobbyiert (erfolglos, leider), hält seit 20 Jahren auf den Congressen Vorträge, betreibt ein recht bekanntes Blog, und macht mit Frank zusammen den Podcast Alternativlos.
- Fnord-Nachrichtenrückblick 2024

Florian Adamsky attended the first Chaos Communication Congress in 2000 (17C3). He co-founded Chaostreff Regensburg at some point, before becoming immersed in academia, from which he has not found his way out. As a result, he has been serving as a professor of IT security at Hof University of Applied Sciences since 2019. In 2020, he established his own small research group called System and Network Security (SNS), which focuses on phishing, anonymity networks, and hardware-based side-channel attacks, such as Rowhammer.
- Ten Years of Rowhammer: A Retrospect (and Path to the Future)

Florian Hantke is a doctoral researcher at CISPA in the Secure Web Application Group led by Dr.-Ing. Ben Stock, with hands-on experience as a penetration tester and CTF player. His research focuses on improving cybersecurity research, particularly enhancing reproducibility in web measurements and enabling ethically complex studies like large-scale server-side investigations. Florian regularly publishes at academic conferences and enjoys engaging in discussions with industry professionals aiming to bridge the gap between academia and industry, to foster impactful, and otherwise difficult-to-achieve research.
- Was lange währt, wird endlich gut? Die Modernisierung des Computerstrafrechts

Flüpke muss noch einen Text über sich schreiben.
- Wir wissen wo dein Auto steht - Volksdaten von Volkswagen

Strategic Advisor and Legal Consultant
Supporting activists to prevent them from being criminalized by the Dutch and European government.
Sign up for my newsletter here & check www.frankvanderlinde.net for more information.
- Police 2.0: Peaceful activism is terrorism and fakenews is facts
Penetration Tester and Researcher in the Mobile and IoT Security Team at ERNW GmbH
- Auracast: Breaking Broadcast LE Audio Before It Hits the Shelves

Ich bin Rike und koordiniere das Bits & Bäume Netzwerk.
Ich habe Ökonomie studiert und habe meine aktivistischen Wurzeln in der Klima- und Stadtpolitik. Zuletzt habe ich 3 Jahre beim Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz als Referentin für Digitalpolitik gearbeitet.
Ich bin mit Mitglied im ILA-Kollektiv und beim Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung.
- Klimaschädlich by Design – die ökologischen Kosten des KI-Hypes

Hi! I'm Simon. I like writing code in Rust, and through a series of events got nerd-sniped into working with Wi-Fi and Radio communications in general.
- Liberating Wi-Fi on the ESP32

Gabriela, the hacker formerly known as Andreas, has been doing things with computers for quite a while now. Nobody could ever prove she did anything illegal, so she's now successfully making a living pretending to be a good girl.
- 38C3: Opening Ceremony
- 38C3: Return to legal constructions
In den 80er Jahren bin ich durch meinen Zivildienst das erste Mal intensiver mit Flipperautomaten in Berührung gekommen und war sofort fasziniert vom Zusammenspiel von Elektronik und dem echten Spielgeschehen auf der Spielfläche. Nachdem ich dann meine ersten defekt erworbenen Geräte repariert und teilweise im Freundeskreis verteilt hatte, habe ich dann mein Studium (Philosophie und Psychologie) teilweise mit Flipperreparaturen und auch der Aufstellung von Geräten finanziert und meine Sammlung erweitert und verändert. Auch heute noch besitze ich ca. 35 Flipperautomaten aus unterschiedlichen Entwicklungszeiten und auch wenn es schon lange nicht mehr meine Hauptbeschäftigung ist, so hat mich die Begeisterung und Faszination dafür doch nie verlassen und ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich diese Begeisterung ein wenig weitertragen kann.
- Die Faszination des echten Kugelspiels
Community Team Lead at the Tor Project.
- Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network

Als lange mit flucht erfahrung kenne ich die Herausforderungen und Ungerechtigkeiten, denen Geflüchtete tagtäglich ausgesetzt sind. Deshalb setze ich mich mit Leidenschaft gegen diskriminierende Praktiken wie Bezahlkarten, die Zwangsunterbringung in Lagern und die systematische Kontrolle von Geflüchteten ein.
nebenbei biete ich auch Beratung für solidarische Menschen, die mit Geflüchteten zusammenarbeiten oder diese unterstützen möchten. Zusätzlich führe ich Coaching für Menschen durch, die mit Duldung leben oder von Abschiebung bedroht sind. Mein Ziel ist es, diese Menschen zu stärken, ihnen zu helfen, ihre Rechte zu verstehen und die Hindernisse zu überwinden, mit denen sie konfrontiert sind.
- Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support
Ich bin Juniorprofessorin für öffentliches Recht, Datenschutzrecht und Recht der Digitalisierung. In meiner Forschung befasse ich mich mit der Regulierung datenintensiver Technologien, Datenschutz im Grundrechtskontext, dem überbordenden Einsatz von Überwachungstechnologien durch staatliche Akteure und normativen Dimensionen von Datenmacht und Nachhaltigkeitsfragen der Digitalisierung.
Mit dem Porjekt OZUG- offener Zugang zum Grundgesetz setze ich mich für einen freieren Zugang zu rechtswissenschaftlichem Wissen ein.
- Gemeinwohlorientierte Forschung mit KI: Missbrauch eindämmen durch Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle

Hanno is a freelance Journalist with a focus on climate, energy, and IT security. He has previously given talks at CCC events about a variety of topics. He writes a regular newsletter about industrial decarbonization and the lesser known challenges of climate mitigation.
- Is Green Methanol the missing piece for the Energy Transition?
Harald Welte is a recovering Linux Kernel hacker with a history of hacking and developing (mostly open source) hardware, firmware and system-level software. Working in network protocols ever since the 1990s, he has dedicated the last 15 years of his life to spearheading Free and Open Source software in the domain of cellular networks.
He has worked extensively on implementations of cellular protocol stacks on virtually any interface at any protocol level from 2G to 4G - most of that in the context of the Osmocom project, which he co-started.
You can find more information on the (sadly rather infrequently updated) blog, and the usually more up-to-date fediverse presence at https://chaos.social/@LaF0rge
- io_uring, eBPF, XDP and AF_XDP

Helena Steinhaus ist Gründerin des Vereins Sanktionsfrei, der sich seit 2015 für eine menschenwürdige Grundsicherung einsetzt. Ihr Buch "Es braucht nicht viel - Wie wir unseren Sozialstaat demokratisch, fair und armutsfest machen" ist 2023 im Fischerverlag erschienen.
- Eat the Rich! Die Menschen wollen soziale Sicherheit, aber kriegen „Deutschland den Deutschen“. Holt das Geld bei den Reichen!

Hendrik Heuer ist Professor am Center for Advanced Internet Studies und an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und maschinelles Lernen. Er forscht zur partizipativen Softwareentwicklung für maschinelles Lernen und der Bekämpfung von Desinformation. Er hat bereits beim 34C3 und bei der Remote Chaos Experience vorgetragen.
- Von Augustus bis Trump – Warum Desinformation ein Problem bleibt und was wir trotzdem dagegen tun können

Born between E.T. and Blade Runner, occasionally hacking and breaking things, computer scientist living in Berlin.
- Find My * 101
Silvia Puglisi (aka Hiro) is a Systems Engineer and Privacy Researcher based in
Barcelona, EU. She currently leads the network health team at the Tor
Project, focusing on maintaining the stability, performance, and security
of the Tor network. Silvia is also an O'Reilly author and previously
worked at Google for several years. She was part of the Information
Security Group at the Department of Telematics Engineering, Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), where she earned her Ph.D. Additionally,
she has served as an adjunct professor at the Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya (UOC).
- Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network

politischer Journalist bei netzpolitik.org
- Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern

Ioana Vreme Moser (b. 1994) is a Romanian sound artist engaged with hardware electronics, speculative research, and tactile experimentation.
In her practice, she uses rough electronic processes to obtain different materialities of sound. She places electronic components and control voltages in different situations of interaction with her body, organic materials, lost and found items, and environmental stimuli. From these collisions, synthesized sounds emerge to carry personal narrations and observations on the history of electronics, their production chains, wastelands, and entanglements in the natural world.
Amongst others, she has performed and exhibited at the National Gallery of Denmark (DK), singuhr (DE), Klang Moore Schopfe (CH), Fonderie Darling (CA), Akademie der Künste Berlin (DE); Vancouver New Music (CA), Manifesta 14 (XK); SFX - Sound Effects Seoul (KR), Ars Electronica (AT), Bunkier Sztuki Gallery Krakow (PL); Simultan Festival (RO); Eigen+Art Lab - Transmediale, Berlin (DE).
- Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components

Ich bin ein grosser Bahnfan.
Low level engineer; currently helping aircrafts not collide with each other.
- We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure
- Liberating Wi-Fi on the ESP32

Jean Peters ist bei Correctiv Senior Reporter, wo er neue Formen der investigativen Recherche und kreative Formen des Journalismus weiter entwickelt. Zuvor arbeitete er als Autor für Jan Böhmermans ZDF Magazin Royale, S. Fischer ist sein Hausverlag. Seine vermutlich bekannteste Recherche ist der „Geheimplan gegen Deutschland“, die er als verantwortlicher Redakteur leitete und als Co-Autor das Theaterstück zu schrieb.
Weitere Themen waren unter anderem der geheimdienstlich-industrielle Komplex und die deutsche Waffenindustrie, mit dem ZDF Neomagazin veröffentlichte er geheime Dokumente zu deutschen Kaisersnachfahren, war investigativ bei der Ibiza Affäre der ehemaligen österreichischen Regierung beteiligt, recherchierte initial zur Bild Zeitungs-MeToo-Affäre rund um Julian Reichelt und war mit Correctiv Undercover bei der Klima-Leugner-Lobby.
Zuvor gründete er das Peng Kollektiv, mit dem er u.a. den Aachener Friedenspreis gewann und auf mehreren Kunstbiennalen und Museen ausstellte, u.a. dem Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, der Kunsthal Charlottenborg oder dem MuseumsQuartier und der Kunsthalle Wien. Er stellte bereits gemeinsam mit Ai Wei Wei, Daniel Richter und Hito Steyerl aus. Er arbeitet nebenher als Autor und Regisseur für Theater, etwa der Volksbühne und dem Berliner Ensemble und lehrt an verschiedenen Universitäten. 2018 wurde er zusammen mit Peng! mit dem Aachener Friedenspreis ausgezeichnet.
Hobbies hat er keine.
- Correctiv-Recherche "Geheimplan gegen Deutschland" – 1 Jahr danach

Je nachdem, mit wem ich gerade spreche, bin ich entweder „die, die beruflich irgendwas mit Internet für Firmen macht“ oder (wenn es nicht gerade meine Großeltern sind) Solution Designerin für WAN-Lösungen. In meiner Freizeit bin ich auf nationalen und internationalen Gewerkschaftsveranstaltungen unterwegs und in verschiedenen Funktionen bei ver.di aktiv – gerade noch so in der Jugend.
- Vom Betrieb bis ins Netz: Gewerkschaften als Vorbild für modernen Widerstand?
Ich bin IT-Administrator an einem unscheinbaren aber unorthodoxen Arbeitsplatz mit wahnsinnig vielen verrückten Erfahrungen und einer bunten Lebensgeschichte.
- Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung)
Psychologe, Schwerpunkt auf das Innenleben von Organisationen
- Brauchbare Illegalität – Organisationen für menschenfeindliche Diskurse wappnen

- Grew up with big trees, waves, and creatures along the Mendocino Coast
- Fell in love with the magic of open source medical hardware + software in university and helped establish NeuroTechX
- Drawn to ‘safety + security’ work of all kinds
- Discovered open source money systems and dove into the cryptocurrency security field
- Worked at some of the larger cryptocurrency institutions in the industry
- Distrusts Software Supply Chains as much as residents of Flint, Michigan distrust water supply chains
- Sometimes helps distribute security tokens to the people great-mfa-project 36c3 -- Session: Yubikey 101
- Enjoy environments where “All Creatures are Welcome”
- Somehow affiliated with the Church of Cryptography
- Typically hanging out with friends who provide free shell services for the curious hashbang.sh
- Dude, Where's My Crypto? - Real World Impact of Weak Cryptocurrency Keys

Jos Wetzels is a co-founding partner at Midnight Blue. His research has involved reverse-engineering, vulnerability research and exploit development across various domains ranging from industrial and automotive systems to IoT, networking equipment and deeply embedded SoCs. He has discovered zero-day vulnerabilities across tech stacks ranging from bootloaders and RTOSes to proprietary protocol implementations.
At Midnight Blue, he has consulted to government agencies, grid operators, and Fortune 500 companies worldwide and has been involved in the first ever public analysis of the TETRA radio standard used by police and critical infrastructure globally - uncovering several critical vulnerabilities.
Prior to founding Midnight Blue, he worked as a security researcher and reverse engineer at Forescout where he developed state-of-the-art intrusion detection capabilities for Operational Technology (OT) environments. Jos is a regular conference speaker and has presented at events such as Black Hat, DEF CON, CCC, Usenix, HITB, OffensiveCon, ReCon, EkoParty, and others.
- TETRA Algorithm set B - Can glue mend the burst?

Joscha is a cognitive scientist and AI researcher who tries to understand the mind. He has researched and taught at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Institute for Cognitive Science in Osnabrück, the MIT Media Lab, the Harvard Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, and Intel Labs. He is currently working at the Artificial Intelligence startup LiquidAI, and lives in California.
- Self Models of Loving Grace
paleo artist
- How to Spec - Fun with dinosaurs
Ich bin Josephine, promovierte Wissenschaftlerin und zertifizierte Scrum-Masterin am Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS). Meine Expertise liegt an der Schnittstelle von Medienpsychologie, Kommunikationswissenschaften, Medienpädagogik und Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung.
Ich baue Brücken zwischen Forschung und Praxis. Ich gestalte und erforsche neue Methoden der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Forscher:innen. Darüber hinaus beschäftige ich mich in meiner Forschung mit Themen wie staatsbürgerlicher Bildung im Internet, Hassreden und Fake News. Dabei geht es mir insbesondere um die Übersetzung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in praktische Anwendungen (z.B. Unterrichtsmaterialien)
- Von Augustus bis Trump – Warum Desinformation ein Problem bleibt und was wir trotzdem dagegen tun können

Co-Founder of the Robot Uprising Hackathon in Finland and Chairman of the Robot Uprising Association. Technology consultant (AI/XR/Robotics) and an avid gardener and cat-father.
- Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience
- 5 Jahre nach Ibiza

Jurre van Bergen is a technologist at Amnesty International's Security Lab. Which is a multi-disciplinary team that sits in Amnesty Tech. Previously he has worked as a sysadmin and secured newsrooms and journalists.
- State of Surveillance: A year of digital threats to civil society
Selbstbestimmung selbst gemacht ist eine trans, inter, nonbinäre Aktionsgruppe welche für Geschlechtsmündigkeit und Queerokratie eintritt.
- Die Geschlechter denen die sie hacken: Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, Pinke Listen, Überwachungsstaat
Leitung Center for User Rights, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF)
- Net Neutrality: Why It Still Matters (More Than Ever!)

Diplomierter Psychologe, arbeitet seit 1997 als Autor und als Journalist für verschiedene Tageszeitungen und Onlinemedien, seit 2007 als Redakteur ZEIT ONLINE. Seit 2019 Mitglied des gemeinsamen Investigativteams von DIE ZEIT und ZEIT ONLINE. Bloggt zusammen mit Martin Haase (maha) unter neusprech.org über die verschleiernden Tricks politischer Sprache.
- Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar

I'm a creative technologist specialised in AI, IoT and Robotics, and the newest board member of Robot Uprising.
I first got involved in the German hacker scene in 2013 as one of the main organisers of Make Munich, Germany's first maker festival, then as one of the co-founders of the Munich Maker Lab, continuing on to hosting workshops and temporary hackerspaces at events like Hedo-Congress, MLOVE, DMY, etc.
After moving to Finland and joining Robot Uprising early in 2024, I knew I found something the crowd at the congress absolutely had to know about.
I also hosted the SoS "Zecke sucht Nerd" with my sister. If you took part and want to give us feedback, use this form.
- Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience
Hier könnte ein Text über mich stehen - tut es ja jetzt auch.
- Projekt Bucketchallenge
Representing as a vice chair of Robot Uprising. I’m working in tech by day, playing with robots or hacking by night.
- Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience

Katharina Nocun ist Publizistin. Sie hat in Münster und Hamburg Wirtschafts- und Politikwissenschaften studiert. Podcast: Denkangebot. Bücher: "Die Daten, die ich rief" (2018), "Fake Facts – Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen" (2020) "True Facts – was gegen Verschwörungserzählungen wirklich hilft" (2021) "Gefährlicher Glaube – Die radikale Gedankenwelt der Esoterik" (2022)
- KI-Karma next Level: Spiritueller IT-Vertrieb

Ich bin eine schwäbische Klimaaktivistin und Studentin der Naturwissenschaften. Ich versuche, die Verknüpfung von lokalen Themen zu den großen Zusammenhängen der Klimakatastrophe zu finden und mit kreativen, direkten Aktionen auf den notwendigen Systemwandel aufmerksam zu machen.
Ob Protest-Fahrradtour, Bannerdrop, Waldbesetzung oder ganz neues - es soll um Inhalte gehen, nicht um Labels. Wann immer ich kann, bin ich in der Waldbesetzung im Altdorfer Wald bei Ravensburg.
Ich beschäftige mich auch seit längerem mit den Irrungen und Wirrungen der Strafjustiz und ihrem Umgang insbesondere mit Klimaaktivist*innen. Vor Gericht verteidige ich oft andere als Laienverteidigerin – oder mich selbst.
- Gefährliche Meinung – Wenn Wälder brennen und Klimaaktivist*innen im Knast sitzen

Hallo Chaos! Ich habe eine ausgeprägte Vorliebe für Bäume, Fernerkundung und wenn Wälder nicht das tun was wir erwarten. Als Forstwissenschaftlerin und Geographin promoviere ich aktuell zu der Frage, wie sich Forstmanagement auf die Störungsanfälligkeit sowie Regenerationsfähigkeit von Wäldern auswirkt und was wir von Naturwäldern noch so lernen können. Dabei nehme ich die Vogelperspektive von oben ein und nutze Satelliten – und Flugzeugbasierte Fernerkundungsdaten. Wenn ich mir Bäume gerade nicht am Computer angucke, dann gerne live im Wald selber.
- May the forest be with you – Bäume pflanzen gegen die Klimakrise?
Kliment is an electronics designer who builds hardware for fun and profit. He teaches people to build electronics at various events and helps out with maintaining KiCad's libraries.
- Drawing with circuits – creating functional and artistic PCBs together

Astronom am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie. Interessiert am Weltall, muskelgetriebenen Fahrzeugen und Nachhaltigkeit.
- Euclid, das Weltraumteleskop - 180 Millionen Galaxien sind ein guter Anfang

Kody Kinzie is a Montana-based ethical hacker who specializes in teaching beginners about open-source intelligence, Wi-Fi security, and electronics. He's taught cybersecurity to millions of beginners on popular YouTube channels like Hak5, Null Byte, and SecurityFwd. He also organizes cybersecurity training, talks, and outreach events at hackerspaces and conferences around the world.
- Hacker's Guide to Meshtastic: Off-Grid, Encrypted LoRa Meshnets for Cheap!

Dr Kris Shrishak is a public interest technologist and a Senior Fellow at Enforce. His work focusses on tech-policy, privacy tech, anti-surveillance, emerging technologies, and algorithmic decision making. Previously, Kris was a researcher at Technical University Darmstadt in Germany where he worked on applied cryptography, privacy enhancing technologies and Internet security. More about Kris at https://krisshrishak.de/about.html
- Transparency? Not from the European Commission

Lars König leads the SOC for a major insurance company by day and dives into defensive security research in his free time. Passionate about making the internet a safer place, Lars doesn’t just catch and analyze attacks—he actively collaborates with the community, partners, and others to disrupt attacks before they cause harm.
With a diverse background spanning offensive automotive security to large-scale corporate defense, Lars thrives on tackling challenges with innovative, out-of-the-box (and sometimes unconventional) solutions.
- Attack Mining: How to use distributed sensors to identify and take down adversaries

Ich bin ehrenamtlich bei ver.di in verschiedenen Funktionen aktiv, u.a. in mehreren Jugendgremien (aber auch für die Jugend in allgemeinen Gewerkschaftsgremien). Außerdem habe ich schon an (Tarif-)Verhandlungen direkt "am Verhandlungstisch" teilgenommen. Hauptberuflich bin ich mitverantwortlich für die bundesweite Auszubildendenvertretung (sozusagen der Betriebsrat für Auszubildende und dual Studierende) in einem großen Telekommunikationsunternehmen.
Vor einigen Jahren habe ich ein Informatikstudium abgeschlossen und auch wenn ich beruflich lange keine klassischen IT-Aufgaben erledigt habe, habe ich mich in meiner Freizeit mit IT-Projekten für mich selbst oder für Communities beschäftigt. Außerdem immer als (meist) freundlicher Tech-Support für Familie und Freunde da.
- Vom Betrieb bis ins Netz: Gewerkschaften als Vorbild für modernen Widerstand?

Leon-Etienne Kühr is a researcher, programmer, and media artist, repurposing methods from information visualization and data science. His artistic work explores how our current algorithmic landscape might shape a future in which the focus shifts from human-machine interaction to machine-human and machine-machine feedback loops, questioning the inevitability of AI collapse, emergent behaviors, and artifacts of contingency.
- arafed futures - An Artist Dialogue on Chip Storage and AI Accelerationism
- Knäste hacken

Linus Neumann ist Sprecher des Chaos Computer Clubs und stolz auf:
- Podcast Logbuch:Netzpolitik
- Hack der Wahlsoftware PC-Wahl
- Analyse des Staatstrojaners "FinSpy" und das darauf folgende Ende des Herstellers
- Der Thüring-Test für Wahlsoftware
- Der CCC-Jahresrückblick

Lori Roussey is a data protection law and policy specialist. She focuses on public private partnerships litigation as well as new technologies regulation. Lori has experience as the Data Protection Officer of a major humanitarian organisation and is now the Founder and Director of Data Rights, a litigation and advocacy non-profit focused on surveillance, sustainability, and interoperability.
- Police 2.0: Peaceful activism is terrorism and fakenews is facts
PhD @ hexhive/EPFL
Capture the Flag w/ polyg0ts & 0rganizers!
- Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries

Luca Melette is a security researcher and advisor at Positive Security. Focusing on mobile networks and hardware devices, he discovered several security vulnerabilities in 2G/3G/4G/5G networks, from low-cost radio attacks to more sophisticated SS7 abuse. In his free time, he likes to explore any electronic device in the surroundings, firstly to understand how they work and then to identify more fun ways to use them.
- BlinkenCity: Radio-Controlling Street Lamps and Power Plants
- Die Geschlechter denen die sie hacken: Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, Pinke Listen, Überwachungsstaat
Lukas Fuchsgruber ist Kunsthistoriker in Berlin. Er war 2020 - 2024 Postdoc-Forscher im Verbundprojekt „Museums and Society – Mapping the Social“ an der TU Berlin mit einer Fallstudie zur Politik digitaler Museumssammlungen, wozu er 2025 ein Buch veröffentlicht. Im Rahmen dieser Forschung arbeitete er mit Software-Entwickler*innen zusammen, als Teil der Open Source Projekte „cooArchi, community oriented archive interface“ und „Art Doc Archive“.
- GLAM zwischen LOD und ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Museumskritik für Hacker*innen

Lukas Stennes is a PhD student at the Chair for Symmetric Cryptography at Ruhr University Bochum. His research focuses mostly on cryptanalysis, i.e., he tries to find security flaws in cryptographic algorithms. Aside from his work on HALFLOOP, he was part of the research team that uncovered intentional weaknesses in GPRS encryption.
- Breaking NATO Radio Encryption

UBERMORGEN is a bold and uncompromising team known for their feral energy and a relentless rise on the global art stage. Admired for their Digital Haute Couture Pixel Aesthetics, Dark AI, Media Hacking, and Polarizing Research, Artfacts defines the net.art pioneers’ work as ‘peak hyper contemporary.’ CNN called them ‘Maverick Austrian Business People’ for their Vote-Auction project, which reached half a billion people and drew the ire of the FBI, CIA, and NSA. Mid 2000s, their ‘EKMRZ Trilogy’ disrupted the 3 biggest e-commerce giants, in 2017, they released the first ever AI project at the Liverpool Biennale, while blending AI with CCTV horror in their ‘UNINVITED’ project. During the crypto hype, ‘The D1cks’ conquered traditional auction houses, and recent retro AI projects ‘PMC Wagner Arts’ (KW Berlin), and ‘The Silver Singularity’ (Busan Biennale) pushed elitism in art to the absolute maximum.
Selected Exhibitions:
Whitney Museum, MoMA PS1, Centre Pompidou, Gwangju Biennale, Louvre Paris, Biennale of Sydney, Liverpool Biennial, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, SFMOMA, MOCA Taipei, ICA Miami, The National Museum of China, Serpentine Galleries, Kunsthal Aarhus, Chronus Shanghai, Museo Reina Sofia, New Museum, Somerset House, Haifa Museum of Art, The Hermitage Museum, HKW Berlin, ZKM, HMKV, National Art Gallery Sofia, Ars Electronica, ArtScience Singapore, 3331 & ICC Tokyo, WRO Media Art Biennale, Prague Biennale, Busan Biennale, The Bogotá Museum of Modern Art.

Malte ist Mitbegründer von "Strukturelle Integrität", einem radikal bedürfnisorientierten, digitalpolitischen Kollektiv. Er forscht zu Themen des Datenrechts, der postkapitalistischen Datenökonomie und der solidarischen Digitalpolitik. Sein fachlicher Hintergrund liegt in den Rechtswissenschaften.
- KI nach dem Kapitalismus: Hat ChatGPT in der besseren neuen Welt einen Platz?

Infrastructure catgirl, with a special place in her heart for vintage GSM and ISDN equipment and other old computers.
- Blåmba! ☎️ Behind the scenes of a 2000s-style ringtone provider

Manthos Papamatthaiou is a passionate space enthusiast and hacker, specializing in open-source space development. As a founding member of the Libre Space Foundation, he has actively participated in various space missions and contributed to the development of open-source satellites and satellite ground stations. Manthos is committed to promoting innovation and accessibility in space exploration through collaborative, community-driven initiatives and open-source hardware.
- An open-source guide to the galaxy: Our journey with Ariane 6
I am a person with too many hobbies, first generation postdoc, neurobiology background and late diagnosed adhd, trying to raise awareness about neurodiversity. I did my PhD in Hamburg about synaptic network scaling and its link to autism spectrum disorders and currently work in Seattle on neurodegeneration.
- All Brains are Beautiful! – The Biology of Neurodiversity

(b. 2002, PL) is a media artist currently studying at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Their practice centers around creating immersive worlds as a means to both document reality and imagine alternative ones. Working across mediums such as generative AI video, 3D graphics, traditional video, and game engines, he explores the intersections of technology, storytelling, and virtual space.
- Hacking Victorian Bodies: From Grid to Vector Space

Dr. Margret Engelhard is mico-and molecular biologist, with a long expertise in interdisciplinary technology assessment research. She has researched at the Max Planck Institute for terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg and the University of Basel, where she did her phD. She has than worked for over ten years on technology assessment of synthetic biology. Since 9 years she is head of division of GMO-Regulation and Biosafety at the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). The BfN is involved as federal authority in the risk assessment of genetically modified organisms on national and European level. She has published books and peer review papers in the area of risk assessment and interdisciplinary technology assessment of synthetic biology applications (see https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Margret-Engelhard). She is member of all Ad hoc technical Expert Groups on Synthetic Biology of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) of the United Nation and member of the German delegation at the last four Conferences of the Parties (COPs) of the CBD.
Selected publications relevant to synthetic biology:
Eckerstorfer, M.F.; Dolezel, M.; Miklau, M.; Greiter, A.; Heissenberger, A.; Engelhard, M. Scanning the Horizon for Environmental Applications of Genetically Modified Viruses Reveals Challenges for Their Environmental Risk Assessment. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 1507. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25031507
Lentzos F., Rybick E.P., Engelhard M., Paterson P., Sandholtz W.A., Reeves R.G. 2022. Eroding norms over release of self-spreading viruses. Science 7;375(6576):31-33.
Simon S, Otto M, Engelhard M. 2018. Scan the horizon for unprecedented risks. Science. 2018 Nov 30;362(6418):1007-1008.
Simon S, Otto M, Engelhard M. 2018 Synthetic gene drive: between continuity and novelty: Crucial differences between gene drive and genetically modified organisms require an adapted risk assessment for their use. EMBO Rep. May;19(5):e45760.
Hagen, K., Engelhard, M., Toepfer G (Eds.). 2016. Ambivalences of Creating life. Societal and philosophical dimensions of synthetic biology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (No 45 of the book series „Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment“)
BfN conceptual paper about using non-contained genetically modified organisms (GMO), i.e., GMO in wild populations, for purposes of nature conservation (https://bit.ly/gen-engin-conserv; DOI 10.19217/pos222en).
Informative report on “Synthetic Biology: Scan the horizon for impacts on biodiversity” (https://attachments.cbd.int/567962e74dc1af45194e3f51e4acc1ae/SyntheticBiology.pdf)
- Let's build dodos! How generative AI is upturning the world of synthetic biology and hopelessly overwhelming traditional governance instruments.

Marte Henningsen ist PhD Kandidatin in Philosophie (Schwerpunkt: kritische Technikphilosophie) an der Universität Maastricht. Sie hat zwei Bachelorabschlüsse in Computergestützten Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik an der Leibniz Universität Hannover erworben, sowie einen Master in Kognitionswissenschaften an der Universität Osnabrück. Ihre Spezialisierung liegt im Bereich Ethik der KI und Technikphilosophie. In ihrem PhD Projekt analysiert sie verschiedene KI Narrative unter Anwendung von Kritischen Theorien.
Außerdem hat Marte einen stark aktivistisch geprägten Hintergrund, beispielsweise durch Engagement bei der Klimabewegung FFF sowie verschiedenster Hochschulgruppen in Hannover und Osnabrück zu Themen wie Feminismus, globale Gerechtigkeit, und Arbeitsstreik. Dabei hat sie stets die Tools, die ihr aus dem technischen Studium zur Verfügung standen, für ihre politische Arbeit genutzt. Beispielsweise indem sie Datenbanken baute, um auf die Geschlechterdisparitäten innerhalb der verschiedenen Statusgruppen an den Fakultäten der Universität aufmerksam zu machen.
- Chatbots im Schulunterricht!?

Martin Heckel is a research associate and PhD student at Hof University of Applied Sciences and Graz University of Technology.
He started to perform research related on Rowhammer during his Bachelor Thesis in 2021 and has continued his research in this field afterwards.
- Ten Years of Rowhammer: A Retrospect (and Path to the Future)

Martin Tschirsich works in information security and advocates for transparency and accountability in technology. As a founding member of the Public Health Innovation Network (InÖG) and an active member of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), he is known for uncovering critical security vulnerabilities in voting software, digital health applications, and digital identity solutions, addressing their ethical and societal challenges. In 2019, he co-founded zentrust partners, an information security consultancy specializing in risk assessments and security architecture.
- „Konnte bisher noch nie gehackt werden“: Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt für alle!

Matthias Frielingsdorf leads the research team at iVerify. He previous worked on securing Deutsche Bahn’s Smartphones and Tablets and testing mobile security software and upcoming security products for T-Systems. He wrote his Master Thesis on iOS Exploit / Malware detection and has presented his research at conferences like BlackHat, OBTS and LabsCon. He trained more than 60 people on the detection of commercial spyware on iOS.
Matthias is passionate about all things related to iOS security. When he’s not playing basketball or games he loves to spend his time learning new things around iOS.
- From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS

Matthias fand
* seine biometrischen Daten in einer US-amerikanischen Gesichtersuchmaschine,
* in Afghanistan genutzte Biometrie-Geräte bei Ebay und
* Fotos aus einer BKA-Fahnungsdatenbank bei Fraunhofer.
Er betreibt Tor-Exits, schaut gerne in Datenlecks und stolperte versehentlich in ein großes Fakeshop-Netzwerk. Für den CCC unterstützt er bei der Meldung von Schwachstellen, z.B. bei
* leckenden S3 buckets oder
* schlecht geschützten Kreditangeboten.
- Der CCC-Jahresrückblick
- Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar

I'm a journalist specialized in digital investigations and osint methods working for German non-profit investigative newsroom CORRECTIV, where I focus on Russian influence operations and disinformation campaigns.
You can contact me via email at max.bernhard[at]correctiv.org or on Signal at mxbernhard.07
Find me on Bluesky at mxbernhard.bsky.social
- identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox
Promoviert an der Uni Bonn in Soziologie zu digitalem Kapitalismus und Ideologie und ist damit fast fertig. Hat ein Buch über Transhumanismus als rechte Ideologie geschrieben.
Hält Vorträge über Transhumanismus und KI-Metaphysik, z.b. hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M0nAboO9iI
Erreichbar auf Mastodon: https://sciences.social/@MSchnetker
Ansonsten vielfältig politisch aktiv, aktuell sehr an digitaler Planwirtschaft interessiert.
- Longtermismus – der „Geist“ des digitalen Kapitalismus

Meredith Whittaker is Signal's President and a member of the Signal Foundation Board of Directors. She has nearly 20 years of experience in tech, spanning industry, academia, and government. Before joining Signal as President, she was the Minderoo Research Professor at NYU, and served as the Faculty Director of the AI Now Institute which she co-founded. Her research and scholarly work helped shape global AI policy and shift the public narrative on AI to better recognize the surveillance business practices and concentration of industrial resources that modern AI requires. Prior to NYU, she worked at Google for over a decade, where she led product and engineering teams, founded Google's Open Research Group, and co-founded M-Lab, a globally distributed network measurement platform that now provides the world's largest source of open data on internet performance. She also helped lead organizing at Google. She was one of the core organizers pushing back against the company's insufficient response to concerns about AI and its harms, and was a central organizer of the Google Walkout. She has advised the White House, the FCC, the City of New York, the European Parliament, and many other governments and civil society organizations on privacy, security, artificial intelligence, internet policy, and measurement. And she recently completed a term as Senior Advisor on AI to the Chair at the US Federal Trade Commission.
- Feelings are Facts: Love, Privacy, and the Politics of Intellectual Shame
Langhaariger, schwer in Metal verliebter CERTling mit Hintergrund in Holzbearbeitung, Chemie, Biologie und irgendwas mit Linux. Baut bisweilen zur Entspannung seine Wohnung aus.
- Mal was mit Holz

Michael Kreil ist seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten auf die Analyse sehr großer Datenmengen spezialisiert. Als Data Scientist und Datenjournalist hat er für zahlreiche deutsche Medien gearbeitet.
- Wir wissen wo dein Auto steht - Volksdaten von Volkswagen

A reverse engineer interested in cryptography and low-level hacking, who analyzes random things just to check how they work. Currently works at Invisible Things Lab on SGX-related projects. Vice captain of Dragon Sector CTF team. In the past hacked some satellites with Poland Can Into Space team. Recently mostly known for reverse engineering a bunch of trains in Poland.
- We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure

Artist, creative entity, accidental EMFCamp Design team lead.
Silversmith, sculptor, painter, pixel-botherer.
- Drawing with circuits – creating functional and artistic PCBs together

Moritz Schaefer is a bioinformatician and machine learning scientist working on representation learning and generative AI for biomedical data analysis. After his major in computer science at TU Berlin, he pursued a PhD at ETH Zurich at the intersection of biology and bioinformatics for a systematic understanding of regulatory networks in early development.
His postdoctoral research at the AI Institute of the Medical University of Vienna and the Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) focuses on the development of multimodal AI architectures for biomedical data analysis in the laboratory of Christoph Bock.
- Hacking Life: How to decode and manipulate biological cells with AI
- Die Geschlechter denen die sie hacken: Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, Pinke Listen, Überwachungsstaat

Ting-Yu Chen, aka NiNi, is a security researcher at DEVCORE and a member of the Balsn CTF team. He won the title of the “Master of Pwn” at Pwn2Own Toronto 2022 with the DEVCORE team. NiNi has also made notable achievements in CTF competitions, including placing 2nd and 3rd in DEF CON CTF as a member of HITCON⚔BFKinesiS, HITCON⚔Balsn and TWN48. NiNi is currently immersed in vulnerability research and reverse engineering, continuing to hone his skills. You can keep up with his latest discoveries and musings on Twitter via his handle @terrynini38514 or blog at http://blog.terrynini.tw/.
- From Convenience to Contagion: The Libarchive Vulnerabilities Lurking in Windows 11
- Als die Kommentarspalten brannten – 11 Monate Einsatz in Gaza
Nicolas is a hardware hacker based in Switzerland. His research focuses on embedded devices and communication protocols. In his spare time, he now spends more time designing CTF challenges than solving them. He is also one of the main developers of the Hydrabus hardware hacking tool and part of the BlackAlps security conference organization committee.
- From fault injection to RCE: Analyzing a Bluetooth tracker

Niklas Roy is a Berlin-based artist who creates interactive installations and machines at the intersection of art and technology. His works are exhibited worldwide and often involve some sort of playful participation of the audience. He shares the documentation of his projects on his website niklasroy.com
- Vectors, Pixels, Plotters and Public Participation
Nils is a Security Researcher on Kudelski Security’s research team performing research on various topics including AI application security testing, fuzzing, privacy, authentication, big data analytics, and internet scanning. He also writes blog posts on various topics for Kudelski’s research blog. Nils likes open-source software and has presented his research at DEF CON and Black Hat Arsenal. He was part of creating a massively distributed system for breaking RSA public keys. He's also the author of fuzzomatic, an open source AI powered fuzzer for Rust projects.
- AI Meets Git: Unmasking Security Flaws in Qodo Merge

Patrícia J. Reis (b. Lisbon, PT) is an installation and media artist based in Vienna, Austria, whose practice spans diverse formats and media to critically explore human-machine interactions in times of advanced automation, extractivism, and post-colonialism. Her work destabilizes the boundaries between science, technology, and belief systems through speculative methodologies that pose questions such as “How do we believe in machines?”,“How can we redefine agency and consent in human-machine relationships?”, “How do technology reflect and reproduce human power dynamics, and how can we challenge this?” and “How is technology shaping us bodily?”.
Challenging the dominance of visuality as the primary mode of experience, Reis employs technology to expand and stimulate corporeal perception, inviting viewers into multi-sensory explorations. Inspired by media theory and cybernetics, Reis draws parallels between human and machine behaviour—examining systems, programs, and automatism—while playfully engaging with the human body’s own sensory mechanisms as a “black box”.
Grounded in the premise that there is no “software without hardware,” her work is informed by feminist hardware, eco-feminism, and feminist hacking, employing new materialist perspectives, aiming to contribute to the decolonisation of technology through speculative art and design practices.
Reis studied Painting at ESAD (Caldas da Rainha, PT, 2004), Media Art at Lusófona University (Lisbon, PT, 2011), and holds a Ph.D. in Art from the University of Évora (PT, 2016).
Currently, she is a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher and recipient of the Elise Richter Program Grant (PEEK) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT (2023–2027), leading the artist-based research project “Hacking the Body as the Black Box”. Since 2015, she has also been lecturing in the university’s Digital Arts Department.
Since 2012, Reis has been a board member of Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory*, a feminist hackerspace in Vienna, AT, where she curates exhibitions and collaboratively creates and researches on interactive installations at the intersection of art, gender, science, and open-source technology.
- Clay PCB

I worked most of my life with computers, fixing & designing electronics as well as writing software for scientific and engineering applications. On the side I also have a passion for nice mechanical hardware like turbo molecular vacuum pumps and self-made boats as well as for the beautiful planet that we are part of.
- An open-source guide to the galaxy: Our journey with Ariane 6

Peli Grietzer is a researcher and writer specializing in ML, philosophy, and literary studies. Grietzer received his PhD from Harvard Comparative Literature in collaboration with the HUJI Einstein Institute of Mathematics.
- Feelings of Structure in Life, Art, and Neural Nets

PistonMiner reverse engineers anything that looks at them funny. They create modding tools for video games and play CTF as part of team ENOFLAG. They're also a massive space nerd and hack around on cool space stuff whenever the opportunity arises, like Hack-A-Sat, Pwn The Rover, and ESA's Space Systems Security Challenge.
Since 2022 they help maintain some of the older satellites of Technische Universität Berlin by planning experiments, operating the satellites, and developing ground and on-board software, so that the spacecraft can keep producing science past their official end of mission.
- Hacking yourself a satellite - recovering BEESAT-1

Prof. Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker is Scientific Director of the cyberintelligence.institute in Frankfurt am Main and visiting professor at the private Riga Graduate School of Law in Latvia, which was founded by the Soros Foundation. Here he conducts research on topics at the interface of law and technology in cyber security, corporate strategy and digital resilience in the context of global crises, with a particular focus on Chinese and US IT law. Kipker is an advisor to the German Federal Government and the European Commission. Dennis Kipker works voluntarily for the World Justice Project in the USA and on the Advisory Board of the African Center for Cyberlaw & Cybercrime Prevention (ACCP) at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa.
- Was lange währt, wird endlich gut? Die Modernisierung des Computerstrafrechts

Rainer Mühlhoff, Philosoph und Mathematiker, ist Professor für Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz an der Universität Osnabrück. Er ist außerdem assoziierter Forscher am Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin, und am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft, Berlin. Er forscht zu Ethik, Datenschutz und kritischer Sozialtheorie in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Mit seinen systemischen Analysen von KI-Kapitalismus und seinen Vorschlägen zur Schärfung des Datenschutzes bespielt er zahlreiche außerwissenschaftliche Transferformate und ist regelmäßiger Gast in Politik, Bildungsarbeit und öffentlichen Foren. In seiner Forschung analysiert er KI-Systeme als soziotechnische Systeme ("Human-Aided AI"), hat den Begriff "Predictive Privacy" geprägt und tritt für eine Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle ein.
In seinem früheren Leben hat Rainer Mathematik/Physik/Informatik studiert und zu Quantenphysik gearbeitet. Durch ein Zweitstudium in Philosophie und Gender Studies ist er dann in den kritischen Geisteswissenschaften gelandet. Sein interdisziplinäres Team der Forschungsgruppe Ethics and Critical Theories of AI an der Uni Osnabrück bringt Philosophie, Medienwissenschaft und Informatik zusammen, um das Wechselspiel von Technologie, Macht und gesellschaftlicher Veränderung zu untersuchen. [Publikationen]
Rainers Talk auf dem 37C3: KI – Macht – Ungleichheit
- Gemeinwohlorientierte Forschung mit KI: Missbrauch eindämmen durch Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle
- Chatbots im Schulunterricht!?

Rainer Rehak ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in den Gruppen „Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Teilhabe“ sowie „Technik, Macht und Herrschaft“ am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft. Er ist zudem Gastwissenschaftler am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) und promoviert aktuell an der TU Berlin zu systemischer IT-Sicherheit und gesellschaftlichem Datenschutz.
Er studierte Informatik und Philosophie in Berlin und Hong Kong und beschäftigt sich seit über 15 Jahren mit den Implikationen der Computerisierung der Gesellschaft. Seine Forschungsfelder sind Technikfolgenabschätzung, kollektiver Datenschutz, systemische IT-Sicherheit, staatliches Hacking, Informatik und Ethik, Technikfiktionen, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, konviviale und demokratische Digitaltechnik, epistemische Grundlagen von Automatisierung, digitaler (De-)Kolonialismus, sowie die Implikationen und Grenzen von KI-Systemen.
Er ist Ko-Vorsitz des Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e.V. (FIfF) und publiziert zudem regelmäßig auch in nicht-wissenschaftlichen Medien. Er ist Sachverständiger für Parlamente (z. B. den Deutschen Bundestag) und Gerichte (z. B. das Bundesverfassungsgericht). Er initiierte gemeinsam mit anderen Digitalpolitik- sowie Umweltorganisationen die „Bits & Bäume“-Konferenz für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit.
- Kein Spaß am Gerät auf 'nem toten Planet(en)!

Raquel is a Senior Digital Programme Officer at ARTICLE 19, focusing on connectivity issues from an infrastructure and radio spectrum perspective. Since 2003, she has worked on human rights and the social impact of digital technologies within educational and digital rights organizations. Currently based in Berlin, she has also collaborated with grassroots communities across Central and South America on initiatives aimed at bridging the digital divide. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics.
- Net Neutrality: Why It Still Matters (More Than Ever!)
Ray has been around for years. He collects random numbers, picks locks and usually is in jeopardy.
- Hacker Jeopardy

investigative data journalist at Bayerischer Rundfunk
- Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern

Computational biologist working at the University of Cambridge. I am interested in the evolution of plant growth.
- Biological evolution: writing, rewriting and breaking the program of life

Rick de Jager is a Master’s student at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) with a strong passion for cybersecurity and competitive hacking. As an avid CTF player, Rick is an active member of the CTF teams Superflat and 0rganizers. He also represented Team Europe in the International Cybersecurity Challenge (ICC) in 2022, 2023, and 2024, and wrote the open source traffic analyzer "tulip". Rick has participated in Pwn2Own for three consecutive years, successfully demonstrating exploits in consumer hardware and automotive targets.
- Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine – Because Why Not?
- Beyond BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF Microcontrollers
- Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries
Der Ron (Text folgt)
- Security Nightmares

Meine Faszination für Hochvakuumphysik und Massenspektrometrie begann im Alter von 15 Jahren, als ich ein Praktikum im Bereich Ionenphysik an der Universität Innsbruck absolvieren durfte. Dort sah ich zum ersten Mal diese beeindruckenden Geräte, die sofort mein Interesse weckten und meinen Wunsch festigten, mich intensiv mit Hochvakuumphysik und dessen Anwendungsbereiche zu beschäftigen.
Das positive Feedback zu meinem letzten Vortrag über Hochvakuumphysik hat mich motiviert, auch diese Veranstaltung wieder meine Begeisterung zu teilen und nun in die spannende Welt der Massenspektrometrie einzutauchen. Neben der Physik habe ich mich auch mit Elektrotechnik und Softwareentwicklung beschäftigt. Diese Kombination erlaubt es mir, die Zusammenhänge zwischen den verschiedenen Bereichen besser zu verstehen und neue Perspektiven zu entwickeln.
- Von Ionen zu Daten: Die Funktionsweise und Relevanz von (Quadrupol-)Massenspektrometern

Ich bin eine Umweltaktivist aus Ravensburg in der Nähe des Bodensees. Normalweise wohne ich in einem Baumhaus im Altdorfer Wald, der grünen Lunge Oberschwabens, den wir seit fast vier Jahren besetzt halten und mit unserer Anwesenheit vor drohender Rodung für Kiesabbau beschützen. Über die Zeit haben wir – eine wundervolle und offene Gemeinschaft in und um den Wald aufgebaut, wir versuchen, Hierarchien abzubauen und uns gegenseitig Fähigkeiten und Wissen weiterzureichen.
Ich kämpfe für eine Klimagerechte Welt, in der der globale Norden nicht länger Menschen im globalen Süden ausbeutet und in der alle eine freies selbstbestimmtes Leben in den planetaren Grenzen führen. Dafür machen wir auch viele Protestaktionen zu verschiedensten Themen um den Altdorfer Wald aber auch in vielen anderen Städten. Wo es eben brennt. Dabei müssen wir auch in kauf nehmen, horrende Strafen zahlen soll oder auch mal in den Knast kommen. Aber das ist uns er Kampf für unsere Lebensgrundlagen wert.
Natürlich verbringen wir nicht die ganze Zeit nur im Wald, sondern tragen unseren Protest auch auf Dächer und Fassaden von Regierungsgebäuden, Betonwerken, Kieswerken, dem Brandenburger Tor, Kirchen, Kränen und Bäume die gefällt werden sollten. Wir sind schon so manchen Gemeinden, Konzernen und Mächtigen auf Dach gestiegen und haben die Öffentlichkeit über deren Zerstörungsvorhaben aufgeklärt.
- Gefährliche Meinung – Wenn Wälder brennen und Klimaaktivist*innen im Knast sitzen
Sandra Sieron ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, forscht zur politischen Ökonomie der KI und technologischem Wandel, ist Mitglied beim Zentrum Emanzipatorische Technikforschung (ZET) und Redakteurin der PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft.
- KI nach dem Kapitalismus: Hat ChatGPT in der besseren neuen Welt einen Platz?
Sean "xobs" Cross has worked for fifteen years creating open hardware. He has
been in Singapore since 2010, and has worked on independent hardware projects
since 2012. He has worked on every layer of the product stack, from designing
circuit boards to writing drivers to package design to managing the production
factory. Sean frequently partners with Andrew "bunnie" Huang on projects,
including the Novena open-source laptop and the Precursor open communications
platform. Lately he has taken an interest in wireless devices, and has done
much with the ESP32S3 series of chips.
- Demystifying Common Microcontroller Debug Protocols

Almost 20 years ago Sebastian was a professional player for Team Alternate aTTaX for Need for Speed. In the meantime he has completed his studies in economics and statistics and started a career in data science and machine learning and is currently heading a Data & AI team at E.ON.
Ever since reinforcement learning has come up, he wanted to build an AI to build his records! And he started that journey in 2023...
- A Competitive Time-Trial AI for Need for Speed: Most Wanted Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Sebastian ist einer der Gründer von CADUS, und seit 2014 mit CADUS in diversen Kriegsgebieten als Einsatzleitung unterwegs gewesen.
- Als die Kommentarspalten brannten – 11 Monate Einsatz in Gaza

Sebastian Meineck ist Journalist und seit 2021 Redakteur bei netzpolitik.org. Er interessiert sich besonders für Methoden der Online-Recherche; darüber schreibt er einen Newsletter und gibt Workshops an Universitäten.
- Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern

Sebastian Neef (aka @gehaxelt) has been involved in IT security and hacking since his early teens. While others were playing computer games, he was more interested in hacking them. During high school, he discovered bug bounty programs and quickly began to appear in several halls of fame, even reaching the Top 10 of Bugcrowd at the time.
Nowadays, he continues to pursue his PhD at the Technical University of Berlin, at the Chair for Security in Telecommunications, focusing his research on web and network security. In his spare time, he likes to play and organize CTFs as part of ENOFLAG, or do IT security freelance work.
- What the PHUZZ?! Finding 0-days in Web Applications with Coverage-guided Fuzzing

Sec is a longtime member of the CCC, one of the founders of the Munich CCC group and known for his presentation of Hacker Jeopardy together with ray on various hacker events over the last 10+ years as well as some reverse-engineering of the iridium communication system.
- Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network
- Hacker Jeopardy

As an anthropologist and computer scientist, my heart is in two places.
Researcher by trade, I love logic and the strange curiosities the world has to offer.
- Sacrificing Chickens Properly: Why Magical Thinking is Both the Problem and the Solution.

Stefan hat sich schon früh für Technik, Daten und deren Analyse interessiert. Das Hobbyprojekt "RadioMining" hat er bereits vor vielen Jahren angedacht, die Vorträge von David Kriesel haben ihn dazu ermuntert, seine Findings einem größerem Publikum vorzustellen. Im echten Leben arbeitet Stefan in leitender Funktion in der IT.
- RadioMining - Playlist-Scraping und Analyse

Stefanie Wuschitz (AT) is an arts-based researcher in the field of media art investigating strategies to decolonise technology.
Her publications evolve around feminist hacking, queering and demythification of hardware. Her artwork has been exhibited and screened at international venues such as Ars Electronica Festival (Austria), ART|JOG 8 (Indonesia), Bouillants Vern-Sur-Seich (France), Austrian Cultural Forum (United States), 8th International Sinop Biennale (Turkey), 16th International Biennial of Aveiro (Portugal) among others.
She had solo exhibitions at Kunstraum pro arte, Galerie 3 and solo exhibitions with her former artist collective Mz* Baltazar’s Lab at Kunstraum pro arte, VBKÖ, Forum Alpbach and Medienwerkstatt Vienna among others.
She is currently principal investigator of a project on Digital Colonialism in Indonesia affiliated to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
- Clay PCB

Svea Eckert arbeitet seit mehr als zehn Jahren als freiberufliche investigativ Journalistin, vor allem für den NDR und die ARD. Ihr Fokus liegt auf neuen Technologien: Privacy, IT-Security und KI. Sie verwendet datenjournalistische Techniken und ist Spezialistin für Social Engineering. Sie ist mehrfach ausgezeichnet, hosted verschiedene Podcasts und spricht regelmäßig auf großen Hackerkonferenzen, wie der Defcon und dem CCC.
- Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia

Geoinformatikstudent in Augsburg, 22 Jahre alt. Neben meinem Hobbyprojekt Bahn-Vorhersage bin ich Klima- und besonders Verkehrswendeaktivist.
- Wann klappt der Anschluss, wann nicht und wie sagt man Chaos vorher?

Thomas was a programmer and anthropologist in his former life. Digital rights had been his hobby until it became a job when he intensively accompanied the EU Net Neutrality Regulation as Policy Advisor for European Digital Rights (EDRi). Thomas was one of the driving forces behind the www.savetheinternet.eu campaign and has a strong work focus on net neutrality, data protection, and mass surveillance. Since 2010 he has played an active part at Epicenter.works and since 2014 he is the executive director of the organization. He also writes on Netzpolitik.org, is a regular guest in the Podcast Logbuch:Netzpolitik and a non-residential Fellow of the Center for Internet and Society at the Stanford Law School. He was in the board of the EU umbrella of 45+ digital rights NGOs (EDRi) and since 2024 he is Chair of the Governance Working Group of the UN dpi-safeguard initiative and member of the Jury for the German eIDAS Wallet and the Ad-Hoc Technical Advisory Group on eIDAS of the European Commission.
- EU's Digital Identity Systems - Reality Check and Techniques for Better Privacy
- Net Neutrality: Why It Still Matters (More Than Ever!)

Dinge gehen manchmal kaputt.
- Der Thüring-Test für Wahlsoftware
Thorsten Hellert holds a PhD in accelerator physics and works at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, specializing in machine learning applications within accelerator physics.
- From Silicon to Sovereignty: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance
Ting-Chun Liu, a media artist, researcher, and self-described half-baked programmer from Taiwan, works across network practice, audiovisual media, and artificial intelligence. His research focuses on algorithmic art and critical AI, exploring cybernetic mechanisms in generative systems.
- arafed futures - An Artist Dialogue on Chip Storage and AI Accelerationism

Vaisha Bernard is a principal cybersecurity specialist at Eye Security, a rapidly growing MSSP based in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Although he has a formal background in Astrophysics and Artificial Intelligence, he already became an offensive cybersecurity enthouiast at age 12. After graduating it was this expertise that landed him a job at the Dutch government. In 2020 he joined Eye Security as principal cybersecurity specialist, where he splits his time between research, high profile incident response cases and cracking attack surfaces.
- From Simulation to Tenant Takeover

Vera ist Rechtsanwältin und leitet die Kanzlei Juno in Berlin, die auf Fluchthilfe, Anti-Repressionsarbeit, Menschenrechte und strategische Prozessführung spezialisiert ist. Sie war in den letzten Jahren als Beraterin für die Vereinten Nationen tätig, leitete das Legal Team von Sea-Watch und arbeitete an europäischen Grenzen zum juristischen Widerstand gegen Grenzgewalt.
- Illegal instructions by legals - Anweisungen für den anwaltlich begleiteten Rechtsbruch
Vivian Kube ist Rechtsanwältin und im Legal Team von FragDenStaat.
- Illegal instructions by legals - Anweisungen für den anwaltlich begleiteten Rechtsbruch

a catgirl doing compilers and hardware reverse engineering
currently mostly looking at FPGAs
- The master key
A gender and technical training consultant and UX researcher from Eastern Africa
- Role Play as Resistance: Challenging Securitization Through Activism in a place in EastAfrica

Wouter Bokslag is a co-founding partner and security researcher at Midnight Blue. He is known for the reverse-engineering and cryptanalysis of several proprietary in-vehicle immobilizer authentication ciphers used by major automotive manufacturers as well as co-developing the world's fastest public attack against the Hitag2 cipher. He holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and designed and assisted in teaching hands-on offensive security classes for graduate students at the Dutch Kerckhoffs Institute for several years.
- TETRA Algorithm set B - Can glue mend the burst?
Co-Chefredakteurin von netzpolitik.org bei Tag, feiner Fug bei Nacht.
- Autoritäre Zeitenwende im Zeitraffer

I am a ANTI* cat with a hyper-fixation on flora mate at night, scrum survivor at day.
People describe me as "a talented hardware and software developer that turns hugs into code".. which is correct, but don't ask me to write C++.
Accidentally created a Activitypub alternative called Versia.. but instead its a full ecosystem.
I also developed Activitypub servers a year ago, before that.
There is no better hardware fixation that porting Coreboot to a newly bought mainboard at 3am, just to play Sea of Thieves on it!
- corebooting Intel-based systems
atoth vernetzt Menschen und Computer.
- Fnord-Nachrichtenrückblick 2024

Bijan liest und schreibt im Zwischenraum von Recht, Philosophie und Kulturgeschichte. Sein Interesse gilt den seltsamen und unwahrscheinlichen Zusammenhängen. Er ist der Begriffserfinder der „Historizonte“ und meint, dafür einmal sehr berühmt zu werden. Zuweilen setzt er sich auch für Bürgerrechte oder die Verbesserung des kollektiven Geschmacks ein.
- Pyrotechnik – ist doch kein Verbrechen!?
Dat Arzty cbro ist seit 2016 kassenärztlich niedergelassener Anästhesist.
Seit dem 32c3 bin ich CERT-Doc und beschäftige ich mich mit Datenschutz, Datensicherheit und IT-Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen. Daraus ist eine Vortragsreihe entstanden, mit der ich zwischen Medizin- und Nerd-Kongressen pendle und (hoffentlich etwas) Wissenstransfer verursache.
- Die Elektronische Patientenakte (ePA)– a legal instruction trap?

Philosophin, forscht zu Grenzüberschreitung, Leiblichkeit und politischem Aktivismus. Interessiert sich dafür, was Menschen dazu bewegt, an die absurdesten Sachen zu glauben (z.B. die Hölle, das Volk oder den Markt). Jodel-Aktivistin, Hedonistin und Sterbebegleiterin aus Berlin.
Mastodon: @elenos@digitalcourage.social
- Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Zugriffen schützen
- corebooting Intel-based systems

erdgeist tut Dinge
- Der CCC-Jahresrückblick

Swedish Hacktivist turned OSINT freak with a penchant for feminist threat intel.
I spend way too much time on the internet.
- Escaping Big Brother (or Your Ex) - counter surveillance for women's shelters
felix macht pyrotechnik, seit er denken kann. und eigentlich auch nichts anderes. obwohl: zwischendrin studierte er noch urbanistik und soziologie in weimar, rio, berlin und los angeles und ist als freies radikal in verschiedensten aktivistischen kontexten unterwegs. an der schnittstelle von pyrotechnik und sozialwissenschaften co-gründete er 2013 das zündkollektiv und macht weltweit theaterbühnen und festivals unsicher.
- Pyrotechnik – ist doch kein Verbrechen!?

I'm a software engineer from Italy working on CAD software and Web technologies. In my free time I love to do some hardware work and reverse engineer stuff, from MS-DOS games to musical instruments.
- Proprietary silicon ICs and dubious marketing claims? Let's fight those with a microscope!
I am a practitioner, lecturer and artistic researcher interested in and experimenting within patterns of post-competitive as in: activating environments.
So far I spent most of my time creating playful and sometimes provokingly "unfinished" social, spacial and virtual architectures, that left me again and again mind blown about the persuasiveness of simple participatory design "disruptions" (e. g. offering pen & paper to people) and the constructive power of language, play and trustful interaction.
Recently I spent 4 years in academic realms and had possibilities to write and direct new theater plays, as in now crafting design patterns for future from my observations and sharing these experiences in condensed artistic formats is my current quest.
The revolution will have been spacial. I guess.
- Wie wird gleich?

khaleesi ist eine der Sprecherinnen des Chaos Computer Clubs. Sie ist Informatikerin und arbeitet im Bereich IT-Sicherheit. Seit 2022 ist sie federführend im Kampf gegen die geplante Chatkontrolle.
In ihrem gemeinsamen Podcast, „Dicke Bretter“ mit Constanze Kurz und Elisa Lindinger, erklärt sie wie Gesetzgebungsprozesse in der Praxis funktionieren und schaut zurück auf bereits verhandelte digitalpolitische Themen.
- Der CCC-Jahresrückblick
kleinsophie, ein durchschnittliches Mädel das abseits der Bits und Bytes auch Flugzeuge durch die Weltgeschichte bewegt.
Als Absetzpilotin gehört sie zur wohl herzlichsten Rausschmeißer-Familie der Welt. Mit einem Lächeln schickt sie ihre Passagiere nicht nach Hause, sondern direkt ins Abenteuer.
- Wie fliegt man eigentlich Flugzeuge?
UBERMORGEN (‘the day after tomorrow’, CH/AT/US, *1995) is a clean and ungrateful artist duo. Rebels with a steadily ascending worldwide presence, they represent the apex of risk in contemporary art. The synthesis of autistic actionist lizvlx aka Liz Haas & hyperactive visionary Lúzius Bernhard, amplified by linguistic contrarian Billie Bernhard. Net.art pioneers, master deducers’, and media hackers’ are widely recognized for their online actionism, haute couture websites & NFTs, their polarizing social experiments, radical empathy, dark AI, nonbinary primitivism, and conceptual research. Artfacts proclaim their work as the epitome of ‘hyper contemporary’. CNN called them 'Maverick Austrian Business People' during their Vote-Auction project, reaching 500 million worldwide & challenging the FBI, CIA, & NSA (US presidential election 2000). A series of conceptual hacks (EKMRZ Trilogy, 2005-08) shook the foundations of the dominating e-commerce giants: ‘Google Will Eat Itself’, ‘Amazon Noir’, & ‘The Sound of eBay’. In 2021, ‘The Next Biennial Should be Curated by a Machine’ used AI-TikTikPop to catapult visitors into 64 twisted parallel universes. Today ‘UNINVITED’ AI Horror Film and crypto Art collide to create deeply nostalgic synthetic organisms, and ‘The D1cks’, hand-pixelated 1 of 1 Haute Couture NFTs reveal ‘L‘Origine du pixel’ and are leveraged by indirect art washing commissions such as PMC Wagner Arts.
Regulate us!
UBERMORGEN's work has been exhibited worldwide, often in digital spaces. Exhibitions: Liverpool Biennial, Whitney Museum, MoMA PS1, Centre Pompidou, Gwangju Biennale, Louvre Paris, Biennale of Sydney, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, SFMOMA, MOCA Taipei, ICA Miami, The National Museum of China, Serpentine Galleries, Kunsthal Aarhus, Chronus Shanghai, Museo Reina Sofia, New Museum, Somerset House, Haifa Museum of Art, The Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Wei-Ling Kuala Lumpur, HKW Berlin, ZKM, HMKV, National Art Gallery Sofia, Ars Electronica, Busan Biennale, The Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, ArtScience Singapore, 3331 Tokyo, WRO Media Art Biennale, Prague Biennale, ICC Tokyo.
EMAIL: officeR@ubermorgen.com
WEB http://ubermorgen.com
INSTAGRAM @ubermorgen_com (archive: ubermorgen_77)
My professional background is as a pentester at a small boutique pentesting consultancy. In a previous life, I spent a few years on the technical side of investigative journalism with one of the major networks.
- Can We Find Beauty in Tax Fraud?

Moritz Simon Geist is a music producer and researcher working with sound, robotics and algorithms. Beginning his academic career in semiconductor sciences as a PhD student, Geist made a career shift to focus on art and music, where he now merges sound with robotics and algorithms. His approach to electronic music, which involves creating sound through mechanical robots, has earned him international recognition.
In 2012, Geist's first work, the "Drum Robot MR-808," went viral, and he has since explored the sound making and producing of electronic music with robots and mechanics as well as releasing many influential and viral works.
Geist's compositions are influenced by a broad range of musical styles, including various electronic music genres and classical music, creating a unique and experimental sound. Over the years, he has collaborated with a range of renowned artists, including Mouse On Mars, Tyondai Braxton, Robert Lippok, and Thieß Mynther. His work has been showcased at many international venues and events such as the Venice Biennale, South by Southwest (SXSW), the Philharmonie de Paris, and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. He has also presented his work in Japan, Australia, and South Korea.
From 2017 - 2020 he held a master class at the NYU Berlin. His contributions to the field have been recognized with numerous awards, such as the ISEA Conference 2024, the Working Grant ZER01NE Seoul in 2023, German Pop Music Prize 2022, and the VIA VUT Award in 2019
- Automation and Empathy: Can We Finally Replace All Artistic Performers with Machines?

I'm building Mikage, a whole-platform 3DS emulator designed for highly accurate emulation without performance trade-offs.
My other biggest hits in the emulator world include Dolphin🐬, PPSSPP, and Citra🍋.
- 10 years of emulating the Nintendo 3DS: A tale of ninjas, lemons, and pandas
I build networks for fun or profit.
- 38C3: Infrastructure Review

A soul stuck between hardware and software. Bottom-half task processor, living somewhere between semiconductor and system APIs.
- We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure

Embedded software and hardware are my passion, bringing you camp badges and adventures in Software Defined Radio.
- Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network

I'm a member of Fail0verflow. I reversed most of the Wii, and wrote "savezelda", the exploit code for "The Twilight Hack" (later also used in many other exploits, some I wrote myself, some done by others).
I figured out the brain fart that allowed me to derive the PS3 private keys (presented here, https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2010/Fahrplan/attachments/1780_27c3_console_hacking_2010.pdf, pp 123-125 for my work).
I wrote the first open source Open Firmware implementation (from scratch).
I am a GCC maintainer.
- The master key

Thomas Roth aka stacksmashing is a security researcher mostly focused on hardware and firmware. His work includes hardware attacks on processors, microcontrollers and cryptocurrency wallets, building building cheap & open-source JTAG tooling for the iPhone, and attacking a wide variety of embedded devices. He also runs a YouTube channel called stacksmashing about security, reverse engineering and hardware hacking.
- ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller

Tina Lorenz came of age in the Chaos Computer Club but went on to study Drama and American Literary History in Vienna and Munich. They were a lecturer for theater history at the Academy for Performing Arts Bavaria, later dramaturg at the Landestheater Oberpfalz and finally consultant for digital communication at the Staatstheater Nürnberg, before founding and leading the Digital Theatre department at the State Theatre of Augsburg from 2020 to 2023.
Tina Lorenz is a founding member of the hackspaces metalab Vienna and Binary Kitchen Regensburg; since January 2024, they head the department of artistic research and development »Hertzlab« at ZKM | Karlsruhe
- Mushroom-DJs, Strong AI & Climate Change: Connecting the Dots with Artistic Research