29C3 - Version 1.9


Day Day 2 - 2012-12-28
Room Saal 4
Start time 00:15
Duration 01:00
ID 5270
Event type Other
Language used for presentation German

Hanussen's mindreading

Experiments of the historical psychic

This is fun stuff for the late night program, not a serious talk: Is it possible to read sb. others mind?

In the late 1920ies/early 1930ies Berlin was excited by the famous mindreader and fortune-teller Erik Jan Hanussen who performed his strange abilities on stage. His act was so convincing that leading nazis believed in his powers and wanted him for advice – until they decided to murder him.

Markus Kompa tells the true story of the mysterious mindreader 'Erik Jan Hanussen' (1889-1933) and offers to copy Hanussen's experiments with participation of the audience. A biography of Hanussen by Kompa was used by screenwriters of the German movie "Hotel Lux" to design a Hanussen-style character. Kompa is a well known magician and expert in deception – and maybe gifted, maybe not.

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