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23rd Chaos Communication Congress
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Portuguese-American, Activist-Journalist, Academic; Specializing in Alternative Journalism, Globalization, International Affairs, Online Journalism, Politics, Social Movements, Weblogs, Podcasting and other Rebellious Communication.
2002-2003 - MA: Masters of European Communication Studies, Specializing in alternative media and the sociology of journalists. University of Amsterdam, ISHSS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1997-2001 – BA: Bachelor of Arts; double major: Communication and Political Science, Concentration in Journalism and International Relations. Graduated with honors. William Paterson University of New Jersey, USA.
1999-2001 – Summer Sessions, Diploma of University level Portuguese (DUPLE), Departamento de Lingua e Cultura Portuguesa , Faculdade de Letras –Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
2000 – Certificate of Independent Studies in Political Science, With a focus on European Politics. Institute for American Universities, Aix-en-Provence, France.
February 2003 – (present) Alumni Coordinator, University of Amsterdam International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS); Planning and building all aspects of a new international alumni program. Including the publishing of a quarterly managing an online community, online magazine, website content, planning events, and helping recent graduates find jobs. Contact: Rob Hagendijk, Dean of ISHSS R.P.Hagendijk@uva.nl
October 2005 – (present) Consultant, Van Keep Public Affairs/ Public Relations: planning and establishing a new podcast involving Dutch politicians and citizens. Contact: Sybrig van Keep, Director sybrig@vankeep.net
March – June 2005 Consultant, Aromedia B.V., providing logistical and practical assistance for a new podcast (internet radio show) at Sum magazine. This includes sound engineering, equipment acquisition, format layout, and content overview. Contact: Caspar van Helder, Editor c.vanhelden@aromedia.nl
May 2003 – August 2003 Editor (Freelance), Crestec B.V., editing translation of technical manuals from English to Portuguese.
November 2002 – September 2003 Research Assistant, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR). Entering data from surveys of Dutch parliamentarians and candidates regarding politics. Coding broadcast and print news media for EU content. Contact: Susan Banducci, Research Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies, University of Twente, susan@banducci.com.
January – July 2002 - English Teacher, Wall Street Institute, Linda-a-Velha, Portugal. Teaching English, ages 16 to 70, at all levels.
March-June 2001 – Village Voice, New York City. Intern/Researcher at the America’s largest weekly newspaper. As an assistant to the politics editor, conducted complicated research, fact-checking, and interviews, often under very stressful conditions, for news articles. Contact: Wayne Barrett, Journalist - Senior Editor, City/State.
The Village Voice 36 Cooper Sq. NY, NY 10003-7118 Tel. +001 212.475.3300 ext.2010
January-December 2001 – Grammar School teacher (Per Diem) in Newark, NJ, USA. Teaching students primarily of Portuguese and Brazilian background, ages 5 to 16. Contact: Newark Board of Education. Tel. +001. 973.772.1000
September – December 2000 – William Paterson University of New Jersey: research assistant. Researching and fact-checking the publication of a University professor. Contact: D. Stephen Shalom, Dept. Of Political Science at William Paterson University shaloms@wpunj.edu
English – Native Portuguese – Second Language French – Fluent Spanish – Fluent Dutch - Fluent
Computers: Proficient and Experienced with both Mac and PC software, including: all Microsoft Office programs, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, SPSS, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition, Endnote, Logic Express, and Garageband. Also proficient in XML, CSS and HTML.
Masters Thesis - Defining Alternativeness: The Meaning Alternative Journalists Give to their Work. (Completed December 2003.) Unpublished Manuscript - “Alternative Media: The Last Bastion of Pure Journalism” – co-author, Dr. Mark Deuze, UvA. (available on the internet) Weblog – Bicyclemark’s Communiqué, founded in August 2002 and written daily with over 400 visitors per day thru individual visits and RSS subscription. Podcast – Bicyclemark’s AudioCommuniqué, www.bicyclemark.org founded in January 2005, bi-weekly podcast focused on personal stories, soundseeing tours, and other miscellaneous topics.
1997 Political Science Honor Society – Pi Sigma Alpha – William Paterson University 1997 Communication Honor Society – Lambda Pi Eta – William Paterson University 1997 Arno Wolf Memorial Award, for academic achievement and an exemplary record of civic service to the department and community. Dept. of Political Science, William Paterson University of NJ.
2003-04: Founding board member, MPowering People Foundation, non-governmental organization providing educational assistance in Nicaragua. http://www.mpoweringpeople.org
2003: Chairperson, Student Advisory Panel of the International School for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam
2003 – 2005: Forum Moderator, Pacifica Radio Network, www.pacifica.org.
1999 – 2001: Member and Chairperson of William Paterson Model United Nations Team.
1997- 2001: Journalist, Pioneer Times and The Beacon, newspapers of William Paterson University.
1997-98: News Reporter, WPSC-FM 88.3, University Radio.