23C3 - 1.5
23rd Chaos Communication Congress
Who can you trust?
Melanie Rieback

Melanie Rieback is a Ph.D. student in Computer Systems at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, under the guidance of Andrew Tanenbaum. Most of her waking hours are spent inventing techniques that people can use to protect their privacy in an RFID-tagged world.
Melanie's research concerns the security and privacy of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, and she leads multidisciplinary research teams on RFID privacy management (RFID Guardian) and RFID security (RFID Malware) projects. Melanie's recent work on RFID Malware has attracted worldwide attention, appearing in the New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, UPI, de Volkskrant, Computable, Computerworld, Computer Weekly, CNN, BBC, Fox News, MSNBC, and many other print, broadcast, and online news outlets. Melanie has also served as an invited expert for RFID discussions involving both the American and Dutch governments. In a past life, Melanie also worked on the Human Genome Project at the MIT Center for Genome Research / Whitehead Institute. She was part of the public genome sequencing consortium, and is listed as a coauthor on the seminal paper 'Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome', which appeared in the journal Nature.
melanie at cs dot vu dot nl