23C3 - 1.5
23rd Chaos Communication Congress
Who can you trust?
Alexander Klink

Alexander "alech" Klink has studied mathematics and computer science. Interested in IT security for quite a while, congress visitor since 19C3. Currently works for Cynops GmbH, mostly hacking OpenXPKI.
Born in 1979, alech started his life with computers with the good old C64. An Amiga and finally a PC followed. DOS and Windows were not good enough pretty soon, so he switched to Linux in '95. While studying mathematics, he was known for being a TeX-addict. Did the Congress Fahrplan for 21C3 in PDF (guess using what), research on PDF tracking possibilities in 2005 (see www.pdftracker.de), dabbled with biometrics while working for Fraunhofer IGD. Thesis on cryptographic voting protocols including a prototype implementation under a BSD license. Now happily developing open source software and getting paid for it. Quickly becoming more of a Perl hacker and lover.