23C3 - 1.5
23rd Chaos Communication Congress
Who can you trust?
Paul Wouters

Paul Wouters is often involved with crypto and digital rights projects and cypherpunks projects.
Paul Wouters co-founded the Dutch ISP "Xtended Internet" back in 1996, where he became known for surviving the wrath of Scientology for hosting xenu.net. In 2003 he co-founded Xelerance, a company specialised in VPN technology that develops and maintains the Linux IPsec software, assists in the deploment of DNSSEC worldwide and offers training courses for IPsec, DNS/DNSSEC, Radius and Xen. In 2006 he published "Building and integrating Virtual Private Networks with Openswan". He currently maintains various cryptographic software packages for Windows and Fedora Linux, including the popular Instant Messenger encryption software "Off the Record".
paul at xelerance dot com