Version 909
Wednesday 17:00
Wednesday 20:00
Christian Faubel live
In Songs from my analogue utopia I explore the self-organizing coordination dynamics of analog oscillators and the Utopian potentials of analogue communication. In analogue communication synchronization results from the mutual interaction of two o...
Christian Faubel is an interdisciplinary scholar working in the differing fields of neuroscience,
autonomous systems research and media art & design. He holds a PhD in electrical engineering
and has completed research on autonomous systems at the Institute for Neural Computation from
2002–2012. In 2002 he founded derstrudel, a collective for the mediation of a relaxed approach
to electronics robotics. Since 2002 he has taught more than 50 workshops in building simple
analog robots at international venues and festivals. In his work, Christian Faubel is interested
in what enables complex behavior, and how this may result from the interaction of very simple
units and their interrelations. In his artworks, installations, workshops & performances he tries to
convey insights about theoretical concepts such as self-organisation, emergence or embodiment
along an aesthetic dimension. He considers his artworks, workshops and performances to be in the
tradition of philosophical toys as they combine the mediation of scientific concepts with pleasure
and amusement.
Wednesday 21:00
Wednesday 23:00
DJ Bosch
DJ Bosch aka Tobias is resident DJ at Multisex party happening at Ohm/Berlin. The Multisex party promotes clarity on the dance floor along with diverse music. Depending on the booking, they create different dancing moods with classy tunes that cra...
Wednesday 01:00
Loui Beton
This newborn monniker allows a Berlin-based devil of a fellow to appear cleared from what he is usually known for. Therefore we will keep the secret, suffice it to say: he is happily exploring the harder, darker domains rather than ruling the suns...
Wednesday 03:00
brick habe ich schon öfter auflegen erlebt als alle anderen Techno DJs. Das kommt daher weil ich Techno eigentlich noch nie besonders spannend fand. Zu kalt, zu monoton, zu sehr seiner reinen Funktionalität zugewandt. brick erfindet Techno nicht n...
Thursday 14:00
Berlin-based artist AEX delivers complex and catching ambient spheres. From warm and melodic explorations via a rather technical approach to darker layers of machine music, occasionally enriched by her voice, this young live act blends a dense wea...
Thursday 17:00
Seinen Freunden ist Marcus Kestner unter vielen Namen bekannt. Einer
davon ist „Der Schrauber“, der nicht nur von seinen Skills in Sachen Technik
und Handwerk herrührt, sondern auch von seiner Art der Musikproduktion.
Seit kurzem veröffentlicht...
Thursday 20:00
Hello there, I am Piet 24 years old and hobby DJ.
I like to meet new people and exchange ideas.
Besides, I administrate global DNS servers professionally.
In my spare time everything revolves around people and music.
If you want to get to know...
Thursday 22:00
irq7 is a so called "chiptune-artist" who spend a lot of time using old computer-hardware like Gameboys, Commodore-computers and other gadgets to produce a new kind of music.
Cheesy melody's and bumping beats are building dance-tracks, which are ...
He is playing regularly live-shows since 2006 at many locations supporting international acts (Vienna, New York, Cologne, Frankfurt...).
The first full length album was released in spring 2010 and called "Revenge of the Calm". It was produced one with just one Gameboy.
A few month later, the "It's not me EP" was released which contains cover-versions of his favorite songs coming from old computers like the Commodore-C64 and the Amiga.
In 2011 the "Girls & Gameboys EP" was released and well received. The latest release is from 2018 and called "Large Chiptune Collider" and distributed on audio-tape only.
Beside Gameboy-music, irq7 is focusing on tiny music-instruments and gadgets. All activities are under the umbrella-term "Noizebox",
and can be found at "Noizebox" is not just the name of the blog - in fact it is a battery-powered speaker
build from various recycled electronic components. You can simple sit on the Noizebox and play with various electronic devices (e.g. Gameboy, Keyboards, Synth's etc.)
irq7 is also organizing a annual chiptune-festival in Nuremberg called "CHIP HITS THE FAN" featuring international Artist, Workshops and a...
Thursday 23:00
Barbara Wimmer tritt unter dem Namen Shroombab seit 1998 als Drum&Bass-DJ auf. Sie hat in 28 Ländern der Welt und mehr als 600 Clubs und auf zahlreichen Festivals gespielt.Zudem hat sie Veröffentlichungen auf mehr als zehn Labels - von ihrem Heima...
Shroombab, DJ, producer and founder of High Tension Recordings, is a fixed “institution” of Austrias drum&bass-scene. She was born in Upper Austria and moved to Vienna in 1997 – where she started to change her instruments from flute & guitar to turntables & sequencers. Successfully: Gigs in over 28 countries all over the world and several record releases on quality labels followed.
Shroombabs efforts to create her own music and get perfect at spinning records were strong. But not enough, she combined creativity with her talent to organize things: She set up her own Drum’n’Bass clubnight called “Bass Land” (with MC Terra), her own label “High Tension Recordings” and founded the “Junglistic Sistaz” – first a successful girls duo with MC Terra, later a database for women in drum&bass, which got a quality reference for female DJs especially in Eastern Europe.
Apart from numerous national DJ bookings at the best and most established clubs all over Austria, Shroombab got a residency at D.Kay & Raw.fulls weekly clubnight "Beat It" at the famous Flex in Vienna which is running since 2004. Her international DJ-gigs brought her to places like Cape Town, Johannesburg, Moscow, St. Pet...
Thursday 01:00
My philosophy: Sharing means caring – knowledge is growing when its shared.
I started DJ'ing in 1990 in Munich with Garage House, NY Style, changed later to Chicago House and ended up with Detroit Techno (1994) but decided to play “Freestyle” very early (1996) as I got bored of playing the same kind of music all night long. In the 90ies I played a lot of gigs all over Europe along all the big names at this time. Even Tony Humphries, Jeff Mills, Colin Faver, DJ Hell. In Clubs like Tresor Berlin, E-Werk Berlin, Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen, Flex inVienna, Raves in Italy, small and big Festivals and many many more.
1997 I moved to Hamburg where I started a monthyl club night called Club Neu at Club Tempelhof. There we played a really cool freestyle programm, from Hip-Hop to Djungle, from Electro via Disco to House or Beatz. And the crowd there was really cool. They danced to everything we "served".
I also organized there a really cool night with Cheap Records from Vienna meets Clear Records (Matthew Herbert) or the huge DJ Hell at Rote Flora event. Somtimes I had a chance to play the famour Pudel Club which was also big fun!
In 1999 I moved to Berlin where I started "Support Your Local Ghetto" which was the name of my weekly Radio Show on Twen.F...
Thursday 03:00
Clear Memory member, future record store owner and Data Wrangler based in Leipzig.
Transforming Breaks, UK Bass, Footwork, bossy Electro and Jungle into another format with the intent of making it more appropriate and valuable for a variety of...
Friday 14:00
YJ-Heimi ist YouTube-Jockey und Heimleiter der Restrealitaet, Zwetschki einer der beiden Macher der Nation Of Gondwana . Spielen die beiden im Duett, kommen so technische Anforderungen wie Luftschlangentröte und Kinderrassel. Und weil auch ein Mik...
Friday 17:00
YJ-Heimi ist YouTube-Jockey und Heimleiter der Restrealitaet, Zwetschki einer der beiden Macher der Nation Of Gondwana . Spielen die beiden im Duett, kommen so technische Anforderungen wie Luftschlangentröte und Kinderrassel. Und weil auch ein Mik...
Friday 20:00
Latin-Danceparty with Introduction for Beginners
A latin party with music and dancing. Everybody is wellcome to join. If you "can't dance" or have never danced before, we can show you how :)
YJ-Heimi ist YouTube-Jockey und Heimleiter der Restrealitaet, Zwetschki einer der beiden Macher der Nation Of Gondwana . Spielen die beiden im Duett, kommen so technische Anforderungen wie Luftschlangentröte und Kinderrassel. Und weil auch ein Mik...
Friday 22:00
Friday 23:00
sind Erna Besen und Rosa Luxus
Erna Besen studierte zunächst Geschichte, Anthropologie und europäische Ethnologie auf Lehramt, blieb jedoch dem bunten Nachtleben der Fernuniversität Hagen verhaftet. Als international erfolgreiche Produzentin von elektronischer Musik ist sie das Mastermind hinter der unverkennbaren Symbiose aus Tschunk und Beats, die Tschunkelmusik zu einem einzigartigen Musik-Projekt macht. Die Bedroom-Producerin verbringt quasi jede Nacht im eigenen Studio und entwickelt so träumerische Klangtexturen.
Rosa Luxus will die mysogyne Steifheit der europäischen Clubszene von innen heraus mit Tschunk und Tanz aufbohren. Sie ist Resident DJane in der Bielefelder Beatschmiede, wo sie die unverkennbare und über die Stadt- und Kreisgrenze hinaus legendäre Underground-Kultur schon früh prägte und stetig weiterentwickelt.
Planète Concrète
Planète Concrète is an open universe staged by strange / loving creatures. Diy instruments, music performance and visual elements are the main instruments of this pink noise constellation
Friday 01:00
Dana Ruh
Dana is a fine DJ who holds down resident duties at top Berlin space, Club der Visionaere.
Born and raised in Gera in Germany, Dana Ruh soon found her way to the capital city of Berlin. Since then, she ha been on a constantly evolving musical journey. In the early years, her sound was rooted in techno and landed most often on the label Brouqade Records, which she established in 2007. The label is still running too, and celebrated its 10th Year Birthday Celebration entitled 'Past/Present/Future' that emphatically encapsulated all that's great about the label.
Aside from Brouqade, Dana's music has also featured on the liked of Autoreply, Work Them Records, Howl and Underground Quality. It was Jus Ed's label where she released her stunning debut album. 'Naturally' in 2014, an LP that introduced Dana to a whole new audience and showcased her pure house sound with some distinctions. In 2017 she started her new Label 'Cave Recordings' that showcased her wide musical range mainly rooted in House with old school flavor.
When she isn't busy in the studio crafting textured tracks, Dana is a fine DJ who holds down resident duties at top Berlin space, Club der Visionaere. It is there that she lays down seductive tracks from the worlds of house and techno as well as gems in bet...
Friday 03:00
„deep music is deep“ - this self-attribution of bustling DJ, label owner and promoter Xelk goes beyond tautology. House, electro, techno: all these containers offer a lot of room for exceptional deepness, and Xelk is well recognized as an expert i...
Saturday 14:00
Sie ist ein Phänomen. Ein Unikat in der Musiklandschaft, das sich jeder Einordnung widersetzt: Liedermacherin, Kinderliedermacherin, Kabarettistin. Charmant, witzig, tiefgründig.
"Kinderlieder sind kein Kinderspiel!", sagt Suli Puschban und schreibt über das Kind-sein in Berlin, wo sie seit vielen Jahren lebt. Ihre eigenen Wiener Wurzeln finden sich in allem als Zuckerspuren wieder. Konzerte, Komposition und Umsetzung von Liedern für Theaterstücke, Workshops, Singen in der Schule, all das hat Suli zu bieten. Sie hat für die Rosa-Parks-Grundschule in Berlin, Kreuzberg das Schul-Lied ROSA PARKS BIST DU geschrieben und als Video produziert
Saturday 16:00
Die Muckemacher sind Verena Roth und Florian Erlbeck, sie wohnen seit 2007 in Berlin. Schon viele Jahre arbeiten sie als Musiker und Komponisten.
Mit ihrer ehemaligen Band „Les Babacools“ aus München haben sie zwischen 1991 und 2006 unzählige Konzerte gespielt und waren u.a. Djs und Clubveranstalter.
Florian schreibt Filmmusik ( und hat u.a. musikalische Früherziehung für Kinder unterrichtet. Seine Instrumente sind: Saxophon, Klarinette, Akkordeon, Gitarre, Percussion und noch einige mehr. Verena spielt Klavier, Synthesizer und singt.
Ihre große Plattensammlung aus Dj-Zeiten hat ihre Kinder schnell begeistert. So haben die beiden Muckemacher beschlossen, ihre eigene Musik für Kinder so aufzunehmen, daß sie nicht unbedingt nach Kindermusik klingt, sondern auch den Eltern gefällt und die ganze Familie tanzen und mitgrooven lässt.
Live spielen die Muckemacher in voller Bandbesetzung mit Schlagzeug, Bass, Gitarre, Keyboards, Saxophon, Akkordeon u.a., damit die Kinder die volle Bandbreite der musikalischen Vielfalt miterleben können.
Saturday 17:00
Jeanette Trèsbien
Part of Hamburgs "Gängeviertel". Creator of the legendary "Schneekugel" witch was on several Congress.
Saturday 20:00
audiolith, lemme, hold your ground
Slow techno immerses into a modular synthesizer-driven soundscape and invites to a sci-fi inspired journey toward big questions and amorphous feelings.
Saturday 21:00
Seine Vorliebe für elektronische Musik entdeckt Argon im heimatlichen Karlsruhe. Er organisiert verschiedene Live-Projekte und beginnt mit der Produktion von Filmmusik.
1993 kommt er in Berlin mit Techno in Berührung. Seit 1996 steht er regelmäßig hinter den
Plattentellern. Sein Stil entwickelt sich über die Jahre zu einer vielseitigen Melange aus Minimal,
House, Techno und Elektropop. Dabei ergänzt er die verqueren, ironischen Elemente des Minimal
mit geschmeidigen, fießenden Grooves des House. Argon verbindet musikalischen Anspruch mit
unbedingter Tanzbarkeit. Das stellt er auch als Mitveranstalter bei Auftritten der “Suess&Sauer”-
Partys unter Beweis.
Zu den weiteren Stationen auf seinem Weg durch die Berliner Clubszene gehören unter anderem
Auftritte im Salon zur Wilden Renate, Horst Krzbrg, Suicide Circus, Maria am Ostbahnhof, Golden
Gate, Arena Club und Ballhaus Ost.
Discographie (Auswahl):
Theken EP (12′′) eintakt 2007 | bricks E.P. (MP3) plusplus 2009 | Freihafen EP (12′′) rare 2011 | viel
zu kurz (MP3) clear-cut-records 2012
Referenzen (Auswahl):
Horst Krzbrg, Suicide Circus, Cassiopeia Berlin, Club der Visionäre, Insel der Jugend, Maria am
Ostbahnhof/Ufer, Golden Gate, Arena Club, Pyonen's Feieralam, Hirschbar, M.I.K.Z., Ritter
Butzke, Zur Möbelfabrik, Tresor
Saturday 23:00
Local Prophets
Local Prophets is a moving collective of the musicians and artists who develop their work through the collaborative open-source improvisation practice.
For this set the two representatives of the collective, NSDOS and Aerodynamika, will apply the principles of their daily physical practice — EightOS Body-Mind Operating System — to creating a live music set, where nonequilibrium stability and chaotic variability serve as the founding principles for the music-making and movement.
Saturday 01:00
Marcus Carp
One of the founders of the Fusion Festival who had sold all his records and equipment before he sailed around the world. Luckily, the person who stepped ashore after 2 years of travel was not an entirely different one, so he returned to the decks ...
Saturday 03:00
Der Dritte Raum
Der Dritte Raum aka Andreas Krüger aka d3R.
Producer / Liveact / Remixer / Studiojunkie since 65 million years...
Released & Forthcoming music on:
Katermukke, Harthouse, Still Hot, Cocoon, Push, Virgin, d3R Records, EMI, Funken, Save To Disc an...
Sunday 14:00
Czech producer and DJ for more than 14 years. During his career played across the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ibiza, Orlando (US), Niznij Novgorod (RUS), SHA 2017 (NL), Amsterdam Dance Event 2015, 2016 (NL). Johannes is co-owner of Lisztomania Recor...
Sunday 17:00
Sunday 20:00
Sunday 22:00
Pale Lynx
Zur Volljährigkeit der Sportbrigade Sparwasser debütiert ein weiteres
Seitenprojekt des Berliner DJ Duetts: Pale Lynx mixt die sportbrigade-typischen tiefen Bässe und schweren Beats mit vielschichtigem knittersound. eckig und warm. weich und luch...