Version 2.01 no time to cry
Speaker: Mike Caprio
Founder @EmpireSpaceLabs ✧ Do-er, Connector, Futurist ✧ @StartupBusNYC ✧ @SpaceApps, Organizer @SpaceAppsNYC ✧ @YxYY♥@xoxo ✧ solely my opinions ☹╯︵┻┻
Mike Caprio lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and is principal and founder of Empire Space Labs, a space technology accelerator in New York City. He has fostered the growth of the Space Apps NYC community (co-organizing the planetary mainstage for the NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2014-2015 and the American Museum of Natural History's “Hack The Universe” in 2014) and has produced all four Space Apps events in New York City in partnership with local non-profit organizations. He has advised senior executives at NASA and at the White House OSTP on community organization, and was selected by NASA program managers to take part in brainstorming charrettes for the Asteroid Grand Challenge and International Space Apps Challenge.
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