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Dj set: RK9
Joeri Jungschlager, EDM/Drum&Bass/Breakcore

From reverbnation:
RK9 is an allias for Joeri Jungschlager, he used to play in bands and compose music in gerne's like hardcore (punk), jazz, deathcore & mathcore. in 2012 he first released on his own behave a EP Liquid Mind Fucks/Push this party till dawn later on in 2013 his first own EP murder for reblogs which came out on 2C-Broadcast Recordings and in 2014 a fully 3DS produced single came out through bandcamp 'miss the sky' and later used in a full live set recording avaible through youtube. RK9 is a general work out of the idea of a hybrid between liquid drum & bass and breakcore. Allong the road the hybrid ellements changed from the orginal idea too hardcore drum & bass/breakcore with mathcore. Which have given endless suprises and elements too the act.
With support from around various scené's and different labels doing VIP Remix for various Dubstep & DnB labels. And founded 2C-Broadcast together with the prototype being the only hard DnB label in the Hague but also made several appearnces at District 9, Langweiligkeit, Benchmark Sessions and the PRSPCT stage on Eendracht Festival (Rotterdam)
His productions since 2015 got several radio plays. And is played on the internet.
Also he made several podcasts in that year Satanicast for example.
RK9 is the Allias for Joeri Jungschlager also known as the disturbing breakcore panda but that is just a scene name.
He was born in Drachten, Netherlands but now lives in Rotterdam.
From Soundcloud:
Started out pretty young in the squat scené around nintencore & breakcore but moved on to breakcore and jungle and a different allias in 2011 RK9 plays and produces a violent combination of Liquid Drum & Bass, Breakcore and crossbreed with support from around various scené's and different labels doing VIP Remix for various Dubstep & DnB labels. And founded 2C-Broadcast together with the prototype being the only hard DnB label in the Hague but also made several appearnces at District 9, Langweiligkeit, Benchmark Sessions and the PRSPCT stage on Eendracht Festival (Rotterdam) His productions since 2015 got several radio plays. And is played on the internet. Also he made several podcasts in that year Satanicast for example.
RK9 is also a Developer of OpenDJ:
(text from Github)
Open DJ or oDJ project is a project that aims to build a fully open source tabletop mediaplayer like pioneers X/CDJ or Denon SC5000 allowing DJ's to do more with their equipment than just DJ. The goal so far is to build 3 models one CDJ which contains CD/USB/SD card and ethernet/wifi link up connections, one XDJ which contains USB/SD, ethernet connections, wifi & LoRaWAN and a modular model which will start with an USB/SD but is expandable and get it's own development kit. Since this all can be quite complex and we have a tech community with more knowledge than just me, I want to build a community around this. This topic for a relatively simple device will be heavily cross domain. The goal is to provide an Open Source building block for smart clubs.
Start time:
- iCalendar
- OpenDJ on Github