Version Voltron

Speaker: Zenna / zelf

Zenna is a grant writer for Scuttlebutt, the P2P gossip platform and is currently situated in Denmark as a KaosPilot. She has a 10yrs background in hackerspaces and FabLabs ranging from Wellington, New Zealand to Forskningsavdelningen in Malmö (RIP).
She enjoys decentralizing society and cozying up in a couch with friends and a good book.

Zenna is a Swedish American with strongest roots in Malmö. She is currently 24 years old and first found the local hackerspace, Forskningsavdelningen, 10 years ago via the syndicalist and autonomous movement.

At a hackathon in 2010 she was connected to the FabLab network and soon went to Barcelona FabLab for an internship. This sparked a long relation to the FabLab movement during which she attended Fab Academy in Wellington New Zealand where she developed digitally fabricatable sex toys.

Back in Sweden she was invited to start a lab at Lund University named ProLab. While organizing ProLab in a sociocratic manner she also initiated the Nordic Fablab Funding Network and wrote the first application which was accepted by the Nordic Culture Fund resulting in a collaborative project called FabCraft between five nations and 10 labs.

Currently she is on the council and a grant writer for Scuttlebutt, working to further the decentralized and P2P internet, on the board for Makers of Sweden and studying as a KaosPilot in Aarhus, Denmark.


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