Version 1.5b Castle in the Sky

Speaker: Yann.A

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Yann ALLAIN, CEO of OPALE SECURITY, BlackHat Speaker and Trainer at HackInParis. I work in the security industry since 20 years now. I'm graduated from a computer and electronic engineering school (University Pierre et Marie Curie). After a time in the electronic industry as an engineer in embedded system conception, I made a career move towards IT. I started as a production manager for a company in the financial sector (Private Banking), and evolved towards IT security when he became part of the ACCOR group. I was in charge of applicative security for the group. I'm the actual director of Opale Security, a company I created in 2008 : Our business is 100% on IT security and Embedded Security.

Julien Moinard, is the architect team leader of the Hardsploit project and he is also a BlackHat Speaker and Trainer at HackInParis + a senior hardware pentesters.

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