29C3 - Version 1.9
Veranstaltungen | |
Hackers As A High-Risk Population |
Violet Blue
Awarded author, notorious blogger, CNET, Zero Day, ZDNet, CBS News, incendiary device; constant controversy, likes a good fight.
Violet Blue (tinynibbles.com @violetblue) is a writer and a self-made wunderkind who is a notorious public pundit on sex ed, porn for women, privacy activism and bleeding-edge tech culture. Blue is an agent of change who raises the bar for discussion on critical issues that affect at-risk populations.
ZDNet, c|net, CBS News journalist, educator, speaker, crisis counselor, volunteer NGO trainer: Blue is outspoken and controversial. She lost a domain to Libya, has been yelled at by Steve Jobs, was the locus of Google nymwars, was the 1st female podcaster; she won a Federal lawsuit to stop an impersonator, she was SF Chronicle's sex columnist, she is regularly censored, and is equally at home in a machine shop or on a motorcycle. Her sharp editorial eye and skill as an author has won many awards for her 40+ books.