27C3 - Version 1.6.3
27th Chaos Communication Congress
We come in peace

Tiffany Strauchs Rad, MA, MBA, JD is often called a “hacker lawyer” for her legal and technical backgrounds. She does cyber security consulting, is lawyer cyber security clients and specializes in the formulation and management of start-up companies that embrace innovation and disruptive technologies. She frequently presents her research at Black Hat, Defcon, Hackers on Planet Earth, has presented at Hacking at Random (HAR) and is a frequent guest on a radio program in NYC, “Off the Hook". Her publications include being featured in magazines such as Popular Mechanics and is co-author of the book "Security in 2020". Tiffany does legal analysis & business development for Recursion Ventures and is Co-Director of Exploit Hub acquiring and improving penetration testing tools. She is a part-time Adjunct Professor in the computer science department at the University of Southern Maine, and is the co-Director and Founder of Reverse Space, a hackerspace in Northern Virginia, U.S.A. where she advances her research accessing car computers.
tiffany at elcnetworks dot com