23C3 - 1.5

23rd Chaos Communication Congress
Who can you trust?

Joi Ito
Tag 2
Raum Saal 3
Beginn 11:30
Dauer 01:00
ID 1738
Veranstaltungstyp Vortrag
Track Society
Sprache englisch


The state and future of the World of Warcraft

This talk will focus on World of Warcraft, the most popular MMORPG. There will be a brief overview of the game, guilds and guild management, tools and social issues. Other technologies and the possible future of MMORPGs and their impact will be discussed.

Video, images and examples will be used to describe why World of Warcraft is so compelling.

First hand experience and comparisons with experiences and theory from other types of organizations will be used to describe the dynamics of a guild and what we can learn from guild and guild management. Socialization, ranks, personality types, rewards, rules, governance, promotion, recruiting, evolution and out-of-game activities will be discussed among other attributes.

The current technology, supporting technology and possible future technologies will be explored to try to map the future of MMORPGs.

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