23C3 - 1.5

23rd Chaos Communication Congress
Who can you trust?

Tag 3
Raum Workshop Area
Beginn 20:30
Dauer 01:00
ID 1775
Veranstaltungstyp Workshop
Track Hacking
Sprache englisch

A not so smart card

getting the card issuer's secret key

Everyone is invited; Swiss may be a special interest group - as it affects them directly. So, if you want to turn up on the Swiss Gettogether (at 21:45) anyway, show up a little bit earlier. Consider it a warm-up!

Everyone is invited; Swiss may be a special interest group - as it affects them directly. So, if you want to turn up on the Swiss Gettogether (at 21:45) anyway, show up a little bit earlier. Consider it a warm-up!

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